[Python-ideas] Does jargon make learning more difficult?

Rhodri James rhodri at kynesim.co.uk
Wed Aug 22 13:56:51 EDT 2018

On 22/08/18 14:38, Jonathan Fine wrote:
> Hi Rhodri
> You wrote:
>> This, by the way, is why think using the same syntax for function definition and generator definition was a mistake. It's only when I reach a "yield" statement that I realise my expectations for this code are wrong.
> Here's something that might help, and surprise, you. This has been
> present since Python 2.5.

If by "help" you mean "make even more confused", then yes.  Surprise is 
a given with generators, as I said.

>>>> def fn():
> ...     if None:
> ...         yield
> ...
>>>> list(fn()) # Fails, unless fn is a generator function.
> []
> I think what's happening is this. Even though the None-guarded yield
> has been optimised away, it leaves a residue. Namely, that there's a
> yield in the function. Hence fn() is an iterator.
> Having explained the surprise, here's how it can help you. Suppose you
> have a long function body, with a single yield at the bottom. If you
> write like this:
>      def my_very_long_function_with_one_yield_point(...):
>          if None: yield # This is a generator function.
> then the next programmer can know immediately that it's a generator function.


I'd prefer this way of doing it:

     def my_very_long_function_with_one_yield_point(...):
         # This is a generator

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

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