[Python-ideas] Pre-conditions and post-conditions

Hugh Fisher hugo.fisher at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 19:53:02 EDT 2018

> Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2018 00:07:04 +0200
> From: Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <marko.ristin at gmail.com>
> I think we got entangled in a discussion about whether design-by-contract
> is useful or not. IMO, the personal experience ("I never used/needed this
> feature") is quite an inappropriate rule whether something needs to be
> introduced into the language or not.
> There seems to be evidence that design-by-contract is useful. Let me cite
> Bertrand Meyer from his article "Why not program right?" that I already
> mentioned before:

I don't think that being useful by itself should be enough. I think new features
should also be "Pythonic" and I don't see design by contract notation as a
good fit.

For example, C has the useful & operator which lets you pass &foo as
a pointer/array argument despite foo being a scalar, so assignment to
bar[0] in the called function actually sets the value of foo. It might be
possible to create some kind of aliasing operator for Python so that two
or more variables were bound to the same location, but would we want
it? No, because Python is not intended for that style of programming.

For another example, GPU shading languages have the special keywords
uniform and varying for distinguishing definitions that won't change across
parallel invocations and definitions that will. Demonstrably very useful in
computer games and supercomputer number crunching, so why doesn't
Python have those keywords? Because it's not designed to be used for

For design by contract, as others have noted Python assert statements
work fine for simple preconditions and postconditions. I don't see any
significant difference in readability between existing

def foo(x, y):
    assert(x > 0)
   # Do stuff
   assert(x == y)

and new style

def foo(x, y):
        x > 0
    # Do stuff
        x == y

Yes there's more to design by contract than simple assertions, but it's not
just adding syntax. Meyer often uses the special "old" construct in his post
condition examples, a trivial example being

    ensure count = old.count + 1

How do we do that in Python? And another part of design by contract (at
least according to Meyer) is that it's not enough to just raise an exception,
but there must be a guarantee that it is handled and the post conditions
and/or invariants restored. So there's more syntax for "rescue" and "retry"

If you want to do simple pre and post conditions, Python already has assert.

If you want to go full design by contract, there's no law saying that Python
is the only programming language allowed. Instead of trying to graft new
and IMHO alien concepts onto Python, what's wrong with Eiffel?


        Hugh Fisher

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