[Python-ideas] Unicode Name Aliases keyword argument abbreviation in unicodedata.name for missing names

Robert Vanden Eynde robertvandeneynde at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 12 11:11:59 EDT 2018

 > I like your alias(...) function, with that one, an application
 > could code my function like try name(x) expect
 > alias(x).abbreviations[0]. If the abbreviation list is sorted by
 > AdditionToUnicodeDate.

I don't understand why that's particularly useful, especially in the
Han case (see below).

Since python 3.3 has the NameAliases.txt builtin in the distribution in order to full fil \N{} construct, I think it would be nice to have an api to access this files, to do like unicodedata.alias('\n').abbreviations[:3] == ['LF', 'NL', 'EOL']

I don't understand what you're asking for.  The Unicode Standard
already provides canonical names.

Not for control characters.

About the Han case, they all have a unicodedata.name<http://unicodedata.name> don't they ? (Sorry if I misread your message)
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