[Python-ideas] Make import an expression
python at mrabarnett.plus.com
Sat Jul 14 14:30:48 EDT 2018
On 2018-07-14 10:39, Jonathan Fine wrote:
> Hi Ken
> Thank you for your clear subject line. As you probably already know, in
> Python, assignments are not expressions, and so we can't write
> if (a=get()):
> # do something with a
> One reason for this is, perhaps, that "Explicit is better than implicit"
> (as in The Zen of Python, via "import this").
> Your last example of the intended semantics is
> b = a * (import math).tan(math.radians(45))
> which demonstrate that you intend the statement
> a = (import math)
> to have the side effect of assigning a value to the identifier 'math'.
> I'm concerned that your intended semantics are similar to "assignment as
> an expression", and so wouldn't fit in well with the rest of Python.
> More concretely, when reading a module I expect to see all the imports
> at the top, much like a recipe starts with a list of ingredients.
> It may be that the documentation regarding import and __import__ can be
> improved, and that there's a practical problem behind your experience
> that __import__ is cumbersome and takes space.
With PEP 572 you would be able to write:
b = a * (math := __import__('math')).tan(math.radians(45))
but I don't think that would be an improvement over:
import math
b = a * math.tan(math.radians(45))
So -1.
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 9:24 AM, Ken Hilton <kenlhilton at gmail.com
> <mailto:kenlhilton at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just a curious idea I had. The subject says it all. "import" is
> currently a statement, which means it cannot be used inside anything
> else. Currently, the only way to import a module inside an
> expression is to use the __import__ function, which is both
> cumbersome and takes up more space (which is disadvantageous in
> things like code golf).
> I propose making "import" an expression, thus allowing the syntactic
> sugar of "import module" -> "__import__('module')" to be graduated
> to the expression level. Because of operator precedence, I suspect
> that in most cases one would need to surround the expression with
> parentheses.
> An additional effect that is not seen with using __import__ is that
> the module's name is bound to the current scope the way it is with a
> normal import statement.
> Examples of where this could be used:
> Importing on the fly to generate one value:
> secret = (import random).randint(1, 100)
> Quick use of itertools in generator expressions:
> (i * i for i in (import itertools).accumulate(generate_numbers()))
> Re-using a function from a module after importing it in an expression:
> b = a * (import math).tan(math.radians(45)) #math.radians is
> valid because (import math) binds "math" to the current scope
> What are your thoughts?
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