[Python-ideas] A better (simpler) approach to PEP 505

Brice Parent contact at brice.xyz
Wed Jul 25 04:32:33 EDT 2018

Le 25/07/2018 à 08:49, Grégory Lielens a écrit :
> BTW, I did (very quickly, so it's rough, my regexps are not really 
> catching everything) the same or our code base:
> "is None"+ "is not None": 5600
> AttributeError: 160
> 3 args getattr: 60
> hasattr: 1800
> So very similar to your pattern....except for hasattr, which is much 
> more common in my case...
(I'm not going to speak about how nice or ugly the syntax is, just about 
the use cases and statistics)

I think the use case here is not really the simple 'is  None' + 'is not 

if the case is just to replace one None value by something else, it's 
not really an improvement as we just save one short line, and once the 
new syntax is accepted and we're used to it, both solution are quite 
explicit with what they do, so I'd prefer the status quo over a second 
way of doing the same thing.

It gets interesting in json-like cases, when we traverse a deep tree in 
which we might encounter None at multiple levels. To me, the new 
functionality is better by than the status quo as it shortens the code 
drastically and makes it more readable (you may see the entire traversal 
at once).

So for the statistics, what's getting interesting is knowing when we are 
in that second case (but of course, it's harder to get them using simple 
regexes). Maybe we could find when there are more than one "is None" or 
"is not None" within the small block of code, and then manually check a 
few random dozens of those cases to see how many of them would be improved?
Another thing that would be interesting in those statistics, but 
probably even harder to get automatically, is the proportion of cases 
where there is a side effect involved (so the cases when we also need a 
temporary variable not to have the side effect executed twice). Those 
cases benefit more of the new syntax than from the old one, until 
there's a good solution with ':=' or a lazy evaluation syntax, or some 
function return caching from the caller side.
Also, it would be nice to know if those use cases come from specific 
libraries/functionalities (like json tree traversal or use of ORM) or 
from many different situations. In the first case, the improvement would 
probably belong inside the libraries themselves, or helpers could be 
created for this very purpose, and in the second case, if the problem is 
quite common, it gets interesting finding a solution inside Python 
itself, like what's described in this PEP.

I didn't automate those search in my codebase, I just searched for 'is 
None' and looked if it was complicated enough to justify a new syntax, 
and over 937 'is None', 43 were close to another 'is None', so I looked 
them up manually, and 13 could have benefited from the proposal, in the 
sense I described sooner, so more than 1 'is None' removed in a single 
line of code, and/or there was a side effect (I needed a temp variable 
not to have the side effect repeated). But I didn't check for side 
effects in the other 894 'is None', so this number should probably be a 
bit bigger.
Side note: we're not big JSON users, and when we do use some, we catch 
exceptions as it's never (here) normal not have well formed json 
strings, so the code never continues and we never have to use default 
values given by the backend.

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