[Python-ideas] Proposed alternative postfix syntax [was PEP 505: None-aware operators]

Abe Dillon abedillon at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 00:00:36 EDT 2018

[Steven D'Aprano]

> really wish you would stop talking about "natural language" as if
> there were only one (and it were English).

I'm fine with that. I've just had someone jump down my throat before about
being overly English-centric when talking about readability.

[Steven D'Aprano]

> even in English, that isn't how people read questions in general,
> which is why we can still comprehend punctuation-less sentences

Yes because you can make use of other context clues. So if I wrote:

def f(person=None):
    initial = person.name[0]?

You can anticipate the '?' at the end of the expression. Otherwise I would
be clearly missing an important edge case.
None checking is often done in very close proximity to some code that might
yield a None, so this should rarely be a surprise unless the coder is
writing the equivalent of a garden-path sentence.

[Steven D'Aprano]

> You may be able to find examples of English questions which do require
> back-tracking

It's easier, I'll admit, to find example's of exclamations that require
back-tracking, but it's not unheard of!

[Steven D'Aprano]

> > and there are plenty of examples of Python following
> > this pattern in other expressionized syntax like in comprehensions and
> > ternary expressions.
> But not binary operators which take only two arguments, in this case a
> name and an attribute name.

 Again, my proposal was never for a binary operator.

[Steven D'Aprano]

> > I actually think this makes sense for expressionized
> > syntax because it puts the "meat" before the "potatoes". When you're
> > reading code like:
> >
> > initials = [person.name[0] ...
> >
> > You can usually guess what goes in the `...` from context
> Can you?
> In that example I can't even guess if that's the start of a list
> comprehension or a list display. If its a comprehension, I sure as hell
> can't guess the important question of what it being iterated over.

Maybe I should have fleshed out my example a little more. Usually there are
plenty of context clues such that the latter part of a comprehension is
more a formality for the computer's sake because computers, unlike humans,
can't deal with ambiguity very well. So when you see:

def func(people):
    initials = [person.name[0] ...

You can usually guess that, since `person` isn't a local variable, we're
probably dealing with a generator so there's probably a `for` clause down
the line where `person` is declared and it probably iterates over, I don't
know, how about `people` and maybe there's a filter clause too. The point
is that the most important information, the "meat" of the expression is up

In the same vein, In the spirit of EAFP, it's better to get the meat of
your business logic up front and do all the tedious-yet-necessary edge-case
checking later just like:

def func(person=None):
    initial = person.name[0] ?

The business logic comes first and the edge-case checking follows.

> so it's redundant, so it makes sense that it comes later.
> If it's redundant, why don't we just leave it out?

Because redundancy from the perspective of the reader doesn't imply
redundancy from the perspective of the computer. People can make sense of
ambiguous language in a way that computers cant. The sentence "time flies
like an arrow" has over 11 valid interpretations, yet few humans would
think "oh, you're commanding me to use a stop watch to measure some
behavior of common flying insects in the same way that I would use the same
instrument to measure the behavior of an arrow!". If I type:

def func(people):
    initials = [person.name[0] for person in people
    return Counter(initals).most_common(1)[0]

You, as a human, can probably guess with extremely high certainty that I
meant to put a ']' at the end of the second line. In that sense, it's
redundant to you, but not to the computer which doesn't know how to handle
that situation. Does that make sense?

On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 7:48 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>

> On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 12:08:46PM -0500, Abe Dillon wrote:
> > look-ahead and back-tracing is how people read punctuation like '?' and
> '!'
> > in natural language
> I really wish you would stop talking about "natural language" as if
> there were only one (and it were English). Many natural languages don't
> even have punctuation like '?', or if they do, they are a very recent
> innovation. Spanish uses a bracketing pair of marks:
>    ¿Qué Mr Fawlty?
> while many other European languages make do with just one at the end.
> And not all of them use the same symbol. (Greek uses the semi-colon,
> which must make reading C-like languages a remarkable experience.)
> But even in English, that isn't how people read questions in general,
> which is why we can still comprehend punctuation-less sentences
>    what's for dinner
>    where are you
>    who was the German professor in Lord Palmerston's quote about the
>    Schleswig-Holstein business
> as questions, despite the lack of a question mark. Questions really only
> need the question mark if they would otherwise be ambiguously either a
> statement or a question.
> You may be able to find examples of English questions which do require
> back-tracking, but that is generally considered to be a bad thing,
> increasing surprise (not a good thing unless you are attempting humour)
> and reducing the speed and ease of comprehension. See my earlier link
> about garden path sentences.
> In other words, reducing not increasing readability.
> > and there are plenty of examples of Python following
> > this pattern in other expressionized syntax like in comprehensions and
> > ternary expressions.
> But not binary operators which take only two arguments, in this case a
> name and an attribute name.
> > I actually think this makes sense for expressionized
> > syntax because it puts the "meat" before the "potatoes". When you're
> > reading code like:
> >
> > initials = [person.name[0] ...
> >
> > You can usually guess what goes in the `...` from context
> Can you?
> In that example I can't even guess if that's the start of a list
> comprehension or a list display. If its a comprehension, I sure as hell
> can't guess the important question of what it being iterated over.
> > so it's redundant, so it makes sense that it comes later.
> If it's redundant, why don't we just leave it out?
> --
> Steve
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