[Python-ideas] Fwd: New suggested built in keyword: do

MRAB python at mrabarnett.plus.com
Fri Jun 8 10:41:37 EDT 2018

On 2018-06-08 15:12, Randy Diaz wrote:
> I think that the keyword do would solve problems that occur when people 
> want a simple way to run a command over an iterable but they dont want 
> to store the data.
> example:
> do print(x) for x in range(50)
>       ---------
> this above command will not return anything and will just run the 
> command that is underlined over a generator. thus running a command 
> comprehension or do comprehension. this will stop people from using the 
> list comprehension to run an iterable through a function when they dont 
> want to return anything. ( Specifically if memory is something we would 
> want to conserve, such as in multithreaded web applications. )
How is that better than:

for x in range(50): print(x)

(if you want it to be a single line)?

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