[Python-ideas] Python Decorator Improvement Idea

Michael Selik mike at selik.org
Sat Jun 16 20:22:19 EDT 2018

The idea of having a dunder to introspect the bound variable name has been
discussed before. You can find the past discussions in the mailing list
archive. If I recall correctly, there were very few use cases beyond
namedtuple. With dataclasses available in 3.7, there may be even less
interest than before.

On Sat, Jun 16, 2018, 9:04 AM Brian Allen Vanderburg II via Python-ideas <
python-ideas at python.org> wrote:

> On 06/16/2018 01:22 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > Some of the information would be available in all
> >> contexts, while other information may only be available in certain
> >> contexts.The parameter's value cannot be explicitly specified, defaults
> >> to Null except when called as a decorator, and can only be specified
> >> once in the function's parameter list.
> > Do you mean None?
> Yes, I meant None instead of Null.
> > [...]
> >> Rules:
> >>
> >> 1. It is not possible for the parameter's value to be directly
> >> specified. You can't call fn(info=...)
> > That sounds like a recipe for confusion to me. How would you explain
> > this to a beginner?
> >
> > Aside from the confusion that something that looks like a parameter
> > isn't an actual parameter, but something magical, it is also very
> > limiting. It makes it more difficult to use the decorator, since now it
> > only works using @ syntax.
> That was just an initial idea.  However there would be no reason that the
> parameter could not be passed directly.  Actually if creating one decorator
> that wraps another decorator, being able to pass the parameter on could
> be needed.
> Also, the decorator would still work in normal syntax, only with that
> parameter
> set to None
> >> Information that could be contained in the parameters for all contexts:
> >>
> >> Variable name
> >> Module object declared in
> >> Module globals (useful for @export/@public style decorators)
> >> Etc
> > The variable name is just the name of the function or class, the first
> > parameter received by the decorator. You can get it with func.__name__.
> This works with functions and classes but not other values that may
> not have __name__.
> >> Using the decorator in a class context, pass the class object.
> > The decorator already receives the class object as the first parameter.
> > Why pass it again?
> >
> >
> >> While the class object hasn't been fully created yet,
> > What makes you say that?
> What I mean is used inside the body of a class to decorate a class member:
>     class MyClass(object):
>         @decorator
>         def method(self):
>             pass
> Using the explicit is better than implicit:
>     class MyClass(object):
>         @decorator(MyClass, ...)
>         def method(self):
>             pass
> However right now that does not work as MyClass does not exist when the
> decorator is called.  I'm not sure how Python works on this under the hood
> as it's been a long time since I've looked through the source code.  If
> Python
> gather's everything under MyClass first before it even begins to create the
> MyClass object, then it may not be possible, but if Python has already
> created
> a class object, and just not yet assigned it to the MyClass name in the
> module,
> then perhaps there could be some way to pass that class object to the
> decorator.
> I have seen some examples that decorates the class and members to achieve
> something similar
>     @outerdecorator
>     class MyClass:
>         @decorator
>         def method(self):
>             pass
> >
> >>     # This will call the decorator passing in 200 as the object, as
> >>     # well as info.name as the variable being assigned.
> >>     @expose
> >>     SCRIPT_CONSTANT = 200
> > That would require a change to syntax, and would have to be a separate
> > discussion.
> >
> > If there were a way to get the left hand side of assignments as a
> > parameter, that feature would be *far* to useful to waste on just
> > decorators. For instance, we could finally do something about:
> >
> > name = namedtuple("name", fields)
> Agreed it would be a change in syntax.  Using the decorator syntax i've
> mentioned
> the name being assigned would be passed to that extra info parameter.
> Python
> would treat anything in the form of:
>     @decorator
>     NAME = (expression)
> as a decorator as well:
>     _tmp = (expression)
>     NAME = decorator(_tmp)
> Right now, there's litlte use as it is just as easy to say directly
>     NAME = decorator(expression)
> With this idea, it could be possible to do something like this:
>     def NamedTuple(obj @info):
>         return namedtuple(info.name, obj)
>     @NamedTuple
>     Point3 = ["x", "y", "z"]
> >> The two potential benefits I see from this are:
> >>
> >> 1. The runtime can pass certain information to the decorator, some
> >> information in all contexts, and some information in specific contexts
> >> such as when decorating a class member, decorating a function defined
> >> within another function, etc
> >>
> >> 2. It would be possible to decorate values directly, as the runtime can
> >> pass relevant information such as the variables name
> > No, that would require a second, independent change.
> >
> > We could, if desired, allow decorator syntax like this:
> >
> > @decorate
> > value = 1
> >
> > but it seems pretty pointless since that's the same as:
> >
> > value = decorator(1)
> >
> > The reason we have @decorator syntax is not to be a second way to call
> > functions, using two lines instead of a single expression, but to avoid
> > having to repeat the name of the function three times:
> >
> > # Repeat the function name three times:
> > def function():
> >    ...
> > function = decorate(function)
> >
> > # Versus only once:
> > @decorate
> > def function():
> >     ...
> >
> The two main use cases I had of this idea were basically assignment
> decorators,
> pointless as it can just be name = decorator(value), but my idea was to
> pass to
> the decorator some metadata such as the name being assigned, and as class
> member decorators to receive information of the instance of the class
> object
> the member is being declared under.
> A more general idea could be to allow a function call to receive a meta
> parameter
> that provides some context information of the call.  This parameter is
> not part of
> a parameter list, but a special __variable__, or perhaps could be
> retrieved via a
> function call.
> Such contexts could be:
> 1) Assignment (includes decorators since they are just sugar for name =
> decorator(name))
> The meta attribute assignname would contain the name being assigned to
>     def fn(v):
>         print(__callinfo__.assignname)
>         return v
>     # prints X
>     X = fn(12)
>     # prints MyClass
>     @fn
>     class MyClass:
>         pass
>     # Should assignname receive the left-most assignment result or the
> rightmost othervar
>     # Perhaps assignname could be a tuple of names being assigned to
>     result = othervar = fn(12)
>     #assignname would be myothervar in this augmented assignment
>     result = [myothervar := fn(12)]
>     # Should expressions be allowed, or would assignname be None?
>     result = 1 + fn(12)
> With something like this.
>     name = namedtuple("name", ...)
> could become:
>     def NamedTuple(*args):
>         return namedtuple(__callinfo__.assignname, args)
>     Point2 = NamedTuple("x", "y")
>     Point3 = NamedTuple("x", "y", "z")
>     etc
> 2) Class context. The a classobj parameter could contain the class
> object it is called under.
> This would be a raw object initially as __init__ would not have been
> called, but would allow
> the decorator to add attributes to a class
>     def fn(v):
>         print(__callinfo__.classobj) # classobj is None except when the
> function is called in the body of a class declaration
>         print(__callinfo__.assignname)
>         if __callinfo__.classobj:
>             data = vars(__callinfo__.classobj).setdefault("_registry", {})
>             data[__callinfo__.assignname] = v
>         return v
>     class MyClass:
>         # print main.MyClass (probably something else since __init__ not
> yet calls, may just be a bare class object at that timie)
>         # print X
>         # sets MyClass._registry["X"]
>         X = fn(12)
>         # print main.MyClass
>         # print method
>         # sets MyClass._registry["method"]
>         @fn
>         def method(self):
>             pass
>     # print None
>     # print Y
>     Y = fn(12)
> In this case it's not longer a decorator idea but more of an idea for a
> called function to be able to retrieve certain meta information about
> it's call.
> In the examples above, I used __callinfo__ with attributes, but direct
> names would work the same:
>     def fn(v):
>         print(__assignname__) # May be None if no assignment/etc if
> otherfunc(fn(value))
>         print(__classobj__) # Will be None unless fn is called directly
> under a class body
> There may be other contexts and use cases, and better ways.  Just an idea.
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