[Python-ideas] Class autoload

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sat Mar 3 14:33:36 EST 2018

On 3/3/2018 12:12 PM, Jamesie Pic wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I thought perhaps we could allow the usage of a "new" keyword to 
> instanciate an object, ie:
>     obj = new yourmodule.YourClass()
> In this case, it would behave the same as from yourmodule import 
> YourClass; obj = YourClass(), except that it wouldn't need to be 
> imported. This would also eliminate the need to manage an import list at 
> the beginning of a script in most case.

If you really want this (untested):

def autoload(mod, cls, *args, **kwargs):
     from mod import cls
     return cls(*args, **kwargs)

obj = autoload(yourmodule, YourClass)

Terry Jan Reedy

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