[Python-ideas] Split, slice, join and return "syntax" for str

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sun Mar 4 18:23:49 EST 2018

On Sun, Mar 04, 2018 at 01:44:20PM -0500, Clint Hepner wrote:

> -1. I see no compelling reason to overload __getitem__ to provide a synonym for the split method. 
>     eggs = "wiki." + spam.split('.')[1:]

Fair point. Neither do I. But your next comment:

> Besides, you can already make such replacements more efficiently with
>     eggs = spam.replace('docs', 'wiki')

is not suitable, because it assumes that the substring "docs" appears 
only once in the string.

In a more realistic example, you don't know what the string contains, 
only that it is delimited by dots and that you want to replace the n-th
field (whatever it contains) with "wiki".


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