[Python-ideas] Descouraging the implicit string concatenation

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 11:45:22 EDT 2018

14.03.18 17:33, Steven D'Aprano пише:
> Um, yeah, okay, I get lots of mysterious errors caused by carelessness.
> Some of them are easy to fix. Some are much harder to track down and fix
> than a missing comma. Do they all need official warnings in the docs?
>      "Don't misspell None as 'none' in three dozen places. And if
>      you do, don't spend twenty minutes fixing them one at a time,
>      use your editor's search and replace function."

And don't replace the plane "none", but use regular expressions to avoid 
replacing "none" in "allow_none" and "nonexisting"! (And there should be 
a warning about replacing the word "none" in comments and strings).

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