[Python-ideas] __dir__ in which folder is this py file

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Mon May 7 00:33:03 EDT 2018

On Sun, May 6, 2018 at 8:47 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7 May 2018 at 13:33, Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com> wrote:
>> Spit-balling: how about __filepath__ as a
>> lazily-created-on-first-access pathlib.Path(__file__)?
>> Promoting os.path stuff to builtins just as pathlib is emerging as
>> TOOWTDI makes me a bit uncomfortable.
> pathlib *isn't* TOOWTDI, since it takes almost 10 milliseconds to import it,
> and it introduces a higher level object-oriented abstraction that's
> genuinely distracting when you're using Python as a replacement for shell
> scripting.

Hmm, the feedback I've heard from at least some folks teaching
intro-python-for-scientists is like, "pathlib is so great for
scripting that it justifies upgrading to python 3".

How is

data_path = __filepath__.parent / "foo.txt"

more distracting than

data_path = joinpath(dirname(__file__), "foo.txt")

? And the former gives you far more power: the full Path interface,
not just 2-3 common operations.

Import times are certainly a consideration, but I'm uncomfortable with
jumping straight to adding things to builtins based on current import
times, without at least exploring options for speeding that up...


Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org

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