[Python-ideas] Range and slice syntax

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sun Nov 11 04:35:38 EST 2018

On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 10:58:02PM -0700, Nicholas Harrison wrote:

> (start:stop:step)
> Meet a range/slice object. Parentheses are required. (Its syntax in this
> regard follows exactly the same rules as a generator expression.) I say
> both range and slice because it can be used in either role. 

Ranges and slices are conceptually different things. Even if they have 
similar features, they are very different:

- range is a lazy sequence, which produces its values on demand; 

- it supports (all? most?) of the Sequence ABC, including 
  membership testing and len();

- but its values are intentionally limited to integers;

- slice objects, on the other hand, are an abstraction referring 
  to a context-sensitive sequence of abstract indices;

- those indices can be anything you like:

py> s = slice("Surprise!", range(1, 100, 3), slice(None))
py> s.start
py> s.stop
range(1, 100, 3)
py> s.step
slice(None, None, None)

- they don't support membership testing, len() or other Sequence

- most importantly, because they are context-sensitive, we don't
  even know how many indexes are included in a slice until we know
  what we're slicing.

That last item is why slice objects have an indices() method that takes 
a mandatory length parameter.

If slices were limited to single integer indices, then there would be an 
argument that they are redundant and we could use range objects in their 
place; but they aren't.

> Why is it useful? I at least find its syntax to be simple, intuitive, and
> concise -- more so than the range(...) or slice(...) alternatives.

Concise, I will grant, but *intuitive*?

I have never forgot the first time I saw Python code, and after being 
told over and over again how "intuitive" it was I was utterly confused 
by these mysterious list[:] and list[1:] and similar expressions. I had 
no idea what they were or what they were supposed to do. I didn't even 
have a name I could put to them.

At least range(x) was something I could *name* and ask sensible 
questions about. I didn't even have a name for this strange 
square-bracket and colon syntax, and no context for understanding what 
it did. There's surely few things in Python more cryptic than

    mylist = mylist[:]

until you've learned what slicing does and how it operates.

Your proposal has the same disadvantages: it is cryptic punctuation that 
is meaningless until the reader has learned what it means, without even 
an obvious name they can refer to.

Don't get me wrong: slice syntax is great, *once you have learned it*. 
But it is a million miles from intuitive. If this proposal is a winner, 
it won't be because it will make Python easier for beginners.

> sum(1:6) # instead of sum(range(1, 6))

That looks like you tried to take a slice of a sequence called "sum" but 
messed up the brackets, using round instead of square.

> list(1:6)


> for i in (1:6):

Looks like a tuple done wrong.

I think this is not an improvement, unless you're trying to minimize the 
number of characters in an expression.

> It also makes forming reusable slices clearer and easier:
> my_slice = (:6:2) # instead of slice(None, 6, 2)

"Easier" in the sense of "fewer characters to type", but "clearer"? I 
don't think so.

> So here's the part that requires a little more thought.

Are you saying that so far you haven't put any thought into this 


(You don't have to answer this part, it was just my feeble attempt at 


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