[Python-ideas] [Brainstorm] Testing with Documented ABCs

Abe Dillon abedillon at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 21:47:07 EST 2018

One thought I had pertains to a very narrow sub-set of cases, but may
provide a starting point. For the cases where a precondition, invariant, or
postcondition only involves a single parameter, attribute, or the return
value (respectively) and it's reasonably simple, one could write it as an
expression acting directly on the type annotation:

def encabulate(
        reactive_inductance: 1 >= float > 0,   # description
        capacitive_diractance: int > 1,  # description
        delta_winding: bool  # description
        ) -> len(Set[DingleArm]) > 0:  # ??? I don't know how you would
handle more complex objects...

Anyway. Just more food for thought...

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 10:47 PM Abe Dillon <abedillon at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been pulling a lot of ideas from the recent discussion on design by
> contract (DBC), the elegance and drawbacks
> <https://bemusement.org/doctests-arent-code> of doctests
> <https://docs.python.org/3/library/doctest.html>, and the amazing talk
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYucYon2-lk> given by Hillel Wayne at
> this year's PyCon entitled "Beyond Unit Tests: Taking your Tests to the
> Next Level".
> To recap a lot of previous discussions:
> - Documentation should tell you:
>     A) What a variable represents
>     B) What kind of thing a variable is
>     C) The acceptable values a variable can take
> - Typing and Tests can partially take the place of documentation by
> filling in B and C (respectively) and sometimes A can be inferred from
> decent naming and context.
> - Contracts can take the place of many tests (especially when combined
> with a library like hypothesis)
> - Contracts/assertions can provide "stable" documentation in the sense
> that it can't get out of sync with the code.
> - Attempts to implement contracts using standard Python syntax are verbose
> and noisy because they rely heavily on decorators that add a lot of
> repetitive preamble to the methods being decorated. They may also require a
> metaclass which restricts their use to code that doesn't already use a
> metaclass.
> - There was some discussion about the importance of "what a variable
> represents" which pointed to this article
> <http://pgbovine.net/python-unreadable.htm> by Philip J. Guo (author of
> the magnificent pythontutor.com). I believe Guo's usage of "in-the-small"
> and "in-the-large" are confusing because a well decoupled program shouldn't
> yield functions that know or care how they're being used in the grand
> machinations of your project. The examples he gives are of functions that
> could use a doc string and some type annotations, but don't actually say
> how they relate to the rest of the project.
> One thing that caught me about Hillel Wayne's talk was that some of his
> examples were close to needing practically no code. He starts with:
> def tail(lst: List[Any]) -> List[Any]:
>   assert len(lst) > 0, "precondition"
>   result = lst[1:]
>   assert [lst[0]] + result == lst, "postcondition"
>   return result
> He then re-writes the function using a contracts library:
> @require("lst must not be empty", lambda args: len(args.lst) > 0)
> @ensure("result is tail of lst", lambda args, result: [args.lst[0]] +
> result == args.lst)
> def tail(lst: List[Any]) -> List[Any]:
>   return lst[1:]
> He then writes a unit test for the function:
> @given(lists(integers(), 1))
> def test_tail(lst):
>   tail(lst)
> What strikes me as interesting is that the test pretty-much doesn't need
> to be written. The 'given' statement should be redundant based on the type
> annotation and the precondition. Anyone who knows hypothesis, just imagine
> the @require is a hypothesis 'assume' call. Furthermore, hypothesis should
> be able to build strategies for more complex objects based on class
> invariants and attribute types:
> @invariant("no overdrafts", lambda self: self.balance >= 0)
> class Account:
>   def __init__(self, number: int, balance: float = 0):
>     super().__init__()
>     self.number: int = number
>     self.balance: float = balance
> A library like hypothesis should be able to generate valid account
> objects. Hypothesis also has stateful testing
> <https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/1.4.1/stateful.html> but I think
> the implementation could use some work. As it is, you have inherit from a
> class that uses a metaclass AND you have to pollute your class's name-space
> with helper objects and methods.
> If we could figure out a cleaner syntax for defining invariants,
> preconditions, and postconditions we'd be half-way to automated testing
> UTOPIA! (ok, maybe I'm being a little over-zealous)
> I think there are two missing pieces to this testing problem: side-effect
> verification and failure verification.
> Failure verification should test that the expected exceptions get thrown
> when known bad data is passed in or when an object is put in a known
> illegal state. This should be doable by allowing Hypothesis to probe the
> bounds of unacceptable input data or states, though it might seem a bit
> silly because if you've already added a precondition, "x >= 0" to a
> function, then it obviously should raise a PreconditionViolated when passed
> any x < 0. It may be important, however; if for performance reasons, you
> need to disable invariant checking but you still want certain bad input to
> raise exceptions, or your system has two components that interact with
> slightly mis-matched invariants and you want to make sure the components
> handle the edge-condition correctly. You can think of Types from a
> set-theory perspective where the Integer type is conceptually the set of
> all integers, and invariants would specify a smaller subset than Typing
> alone, however if the set of all valid outputs of one component is not
> completely contained within the set of all valid inputs to another
> component, then there will be edge-cases resulting from the mismatch. In
> that sense, some of the invariant verification could be static-ish (as much
> as Python allows).
> Side-effect verification is usually done by mocking dependencies. You pass
> in a mock database connection and make sure my object sends and receives
> data as expected. As crazy as it sounds, this too can be almost completely
> automated away if all of the above tools are in place AND if Python gained
> support for Exception annotations. I wrote a Java (yuck) library at work
> that does this. I wan't to port it to Python and share it, but it basically
> enumerates a bunch of stuff: the "sources" and "destinations" of the
> system, how those relate to dependencies, how they relate to each other (if
> dependency X is unresponsive, I can't get sources A, B, or G and if I can't
> get source B, I can't write destination Y), the dependency failure modes
> (Exceptions raised, timeouts, unrecognized key, missing data, etc.), all
> the public methods of the class under test and what sources and
> destinations they use.
> Then I enumerate 'k' from 0 to some limit for the max number of
> simultaneous faults to test for:
>    Then for each method that can have n >= k simultaneous faults I test
> all (n choose k) combinations of faults for that method against the desired
> behavior.
> I'm sure that explanation is as clear as mud. I will try to get a working
> Python example at some point to demonstrate.
> Finally, in the PyCon video; Hillel Wayne shows an example of testing that
> an "add" function is commutative. It seems that once you write that
> invariant, it might apply to many different functions. A similar invariant
> may be "reversibility" like:
> @given(text())
> def test_reversable_codex(s):
>    assert s == decode(encode(s)), "not reversible"
> That might be a common property that other functions share:
> @invariant(reversible(decode))
> def encode(s: str) -> bytes: ...
> Having said all that, I wanted to brainstorm some possible solutions for
> implementing some or all of the above in Python without drowning you code
> in decorators.
> NOTE: Please don't get hung up on specific syntax suggestions! Try to see
> the forest through the trees!
> An example syntax could be:
> #Instead of this
> @require("lst must not be empty", lambda args: len(args.lst) > 0)
> @ensure("result is tail of lst", lambda args, result: [args.lst[0]] +
> result == args.lst)
> def tail(lst: List[Any]) -> List[Any]:
>   return lst[1:]
> #Maybe this?
> non_empty = invariant("Must not be empty", lambda x: len(x) > 0)  # can be
> re-used
> def tail(lst: List[Any]   d"Description of what this param represents.
> {non_empty}") -> List[Any]  d"Description of return value {lst == [lst[0]]
> + __result__}":
>   """
>   Description of function
>   """
>   return lst[1:]
> Python could build the full doc string like so:
> """
> Description of function
> Args:
>   lst: Description of what this param represents. Must not be empty.
> Returns:
>   Description of return value.
> """
> d-strings have some description followed by some terminator after which
> either invariant objects or [optionally strings] followed by an expression
> on the arguments and __return__?
> I'm sorry this is so half-baked. I don't really like the d-string concept
> and I'm pretty sure there are a million problems with it. I'll try to flesh
> out the side-effect verification concept more later along with all the
> other poorly explained stuff. I just wanted to get these thoughts out for
> discussion, but now it's super late and I have to go!
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