[Python-ideas] Set starting point for itertools.product()

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Thu Oct 25 02:59:21 EDT 2018

Ronie Martinez writes:

 > def main():
 >     datetime_odometer = itertools.product(
 >         range(2018, 10_000),  # year
 >         range(1, 13),  # month
 >         range(1, 31),  # days
 >         range(0, 24),  # hours
 >         range(0, 60),  # minutes
 >         range(0, 60)  # seconds
 >     )
 >     datetime_of_interest = (2050, 6, 15, 10, 5, 0)
 >     for i in datetime_odometer:
 >         if i == datetime_of_interest: # target start time
 >             break

I don't understand the issue.  Doesn't

    def make_odometer(year, month, day, hour, minute, second):
        return itertools.product(
            range(year, 10_000),
            range(month, 13),
            range(day, 31),
            range(hour, 24),
            range(minute, 60),
            range(second, 61)        # leap seconds!

    def main():
        datetime_of_interest = (2050, 6, 15, 10, 5, 0)

        datetime_odometer = make_odometer(*datetime_of_interest)

do what you want?  If you have a task where that *doesn't* do what's
needed, eg, where the "odometer wheels" are an iterated function
system, I don't see any way to avoid the problem.  If you have some
range-like object that doesn't support starting values, you need to
fix that or there's nothing that could be done about it in itertools.

(Yet Another) Steve

Associate Professor              Division of Policy and Planning Science
http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/     Faculty of Systems and Information
Email: turnbull at sk.tsukuba.ac.jp                   University of Tsukuba
Tel: 029-853-5175                 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN

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