[Python-ideas] Combine f-strings with i18n

Eric V. Smith eric at trueblade.com
Mon Sep 17 14:10:52 EDT 2018

See also PEP 501, which could be used for i18n.


On 9/17/2018 1:42 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Hans Polak writes:
>   > On 17/09/18 09:53, Niki Spahiev wrote:
>   > >
>   > > Is it possible to use f-strings when making multilingual software?
>   > > When i write non-hobby software translation is hard requirement.
>   >
>   > At this moment, it seems that this is not possible.
> No, it's not possible.
>   > If a user has the navigator configured for English, I have to
>   > return English (if I am doing i18n).
> This is understood.  Nobody is telling you what you want is an
> unreasonable desire.  I'm telling you that I'm pretty sure your
> proposed syntax isn't going to happen, because it requires deep
> changes in the way Python evaluates expressions as far as I can see.
>   > That's why I would like to see a parameter that can be passed to
>   > the f-string.
> This doesn't make sense to me.  Such configurations are long-lasting.
> In this context, the POSIX model (where the target language, or
> priority list of languages, is configured in the environment) is
> reasonable.  There's no good reason for passing the language every
> time a string is formatted throughout an interaction with such a user.
> What we want is a way to tell the f-string to translate itself, and
> optionally specify a language.
>   > I don't think this should be too problematic, really.
> Your proposal to use method syntax is *definitely* problematic.  The
> f-string is an expression, and must be evaluated to a str first
> according to the language definition.
>   > The compiler can then rewrite these to normal unicode strings. For
>   > instance: f'Hi {user}'.language('es') would become T(_('Hi {user}'),
>   > 'es', user=user)
> It could, but it's not going to.  Implementing that with a reasonable
> amount of backward compatibility requires two tokens of lookahead and
> a new keyword as far as I can see.  The problem is that unless the
> .language method is invoked on the f-string in the same expression,
> the f-string needs to be converted to a string immediately, as it is
> in Python 3.6 and 3.7.  To decide whether to do this in the case where
> there is a method invoked, the parser needs to read the f-string
> (lookahead = 0), the "."  (lookahead = 1), and the token "language"
> (lookahead = 2), and then for the parser to know that this is the
> special construct, it needs to know the special token.  "Keyword" in
> this context simply means "a token that the parser knows about", but
> in general in Python we want keywords to be reserved to the language,
> which is considered a very high cost.
> What could work is an extension to the formatting language.  I suggest
> abusing the *conversion flag*.  (It's an abuse because I'm going to
> apply it to the whole f-string, while the current Language Reference
> says it's applied to the value being formatted.[1])  This flag would only
> be allowed as the first item in the string.  The idea is that
> `f"{lang!g}Hello, {user}!"` would be interpreted as
>      _ = get_gettext(lang)
>      _("Hello, {user}!").format(user=user)
> and `f"{!g}Hello, {user}!"` as `_("Hello, {user}!").format(user=user)`,
> reusing the the most recent value of `_`.  The "g" in "!g" stands for
> "gettext", of course.  GNU xgettext can be taught to recognize things
> like `f"{...!g}` as translatable string markers; I'm sure pygettext
> can too.
> I'm assuming the implementation of get_gettext from my earlier post,
> reproduced at the end for reader convenience.
> One warning about this syntax: I think the gettext module is a pretty
> popular way to implement message localization.  However, I'm not sure
> it's the only way, and I would guess that folks who use something else
> would want to be able to use f-strings with that package, too.  So
> there may need to be a way to configure the translation engine.
>>       # Use duck-typing of gettext.translation objects
>>       class NullTranslation:
>>           def __init__(self):
>>               self.gettext = lambda s: s
>>       def get_gettext(language, translation={'C': NullTranslation()}):
>>           if language not in translation:
>>               translation[language] = \
>>                   gettext.translation('myapplication', languages=[language])
>>           return translation[language].gettext
>> and
>>       # This could be one line, but I guess in many cases you're likely
>>       # to use use the gettext function repeatedly.  Also, use of the
>>       # _() idiom marks translatable string for translators.
>>       _ = get_gettext(language)
>>       _(translatable_string).format(key=value...)
> Footnotes:
> [1]  I'm not sure whether "the g conversion is applied to the 'lang'
> variable, and the effect is to set the global 'translate' function" is
> pure sophistry or not, but I don't find it convincing.  YMMV
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