[Python-ideas] Pre-conditions and post-conditions

Marko Ristin-Kaufmann marko.ristin at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 16:52:26 EDT 2018

Again a brief update.

* icontract supports now static and class methods (thanks to my colleague
Adam Radomski) which came very handy when defining a group of functions as
an interface *via* an abstract (stateless) class. The implementors then
need to all satisfy the contracts without needing to re-write them. You
could implement the same behavior with *_impl or _* ("protected") methods
where public methods would add the contracts as asserts, but we find the
contracts-as-decorators more elegant (N functions instead of 2*N; see the
snippet below).

* We implemented a linter to statically check that the contract arguments
are defined correctly. It is available as a separate Pypi package
pyicontract-lint (https://github.com/Parquery/pyicontract-lint/). Next step
will be to use asteroid to infer that the return type of the condition
function is boolean. Does it make sense to include PEX in the release on

* We plan to implement a sphinx plugin so that contracts can be readily
visible in the documentation. Is there any guideline or standard/preferred
approach how you would expect this plugin to be implemented? My colleagues
and I don't have any experience with sphinx plugins, so any guidance is
very welcome.

class Component(abc.ABC, icontract.DBC):
    """Initialize a single component."""

    def user() -> str:
        Get the user name.

        :return: user which executes this component.

    @icontract.post(lambda result: result in groups())
    def primary_group() -> str:
        Get the primary group.

        :return: primary group of this component

    @icontract.post(lambda result: result.issubset(groups()))
    def secondary_groups() -> Set[str]:
        Get the secondary groups.

        :return: list of secondary groups

    @icontract.post(lambda result: all(not pth.is_absolute() for pth in result))
    def bin_paths(config: mapried.config.Config) -> List[pathlib.Path]:
        Get list of binary paths used by this component.

        :param config: of the instance
        :return: list of paths to binaries used by this component

    @icontract.post(lambda result: all(not pth.is_absolute() for pth in result))
    def py_paths(config: mapried.config.Config) -> List[pathlib.Path]:
        Get list of py paths used by this component.

        :param config: of the instance
        :return: list of paths to python executables used by this component

    @icontract.post(lambda result: all(not pth.is_absolute() for pth in result))
    def dirs(config: mapried.config.Config) -> List[pathlib.Path]:
        Get directories used by this component.

        :param config: of the instance
        :return: list of paths to directories used by this component

On Sat, 15 Sep 2018 at 22:14, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <marko.ristin at gmail.com>

> Hi David Maertz and Michael Lee,
> Thank you for raising the points. Please let me respond to your comments
> in separation. Please let me know if I missed or misunderstood anything.
> *Assertions versus contracts.* David wrote:
>> I'm afraid that in reading the examples provided it is difficulties for
>> me not simply to think that EVERY SINGLE ONE of them would be FAR easier to
>> read if it were an `assert` instead.
> I think there are two misunderstandings on the role of the contracts.
> First, they are part of the function signature, and not of the
> implementation. In contrast, the assertions are part of the implementation
> and are completely obscured in the signature. To see the contracts of a
> function or a class written as assertions, you need to visually inspect the
> implementation. The contracts are instead engraved in the signature and
> immediately visible. For example, you can test the distinction by pressing
> Ctrl + q in Pycharm.
> Second, assertions are only suitable for preconditions. Postconditions are
> practically unmaintainable as assertions as soon as you have multiple early
> returns in a function. The invariants implemented as assertions are always
> unmaintainable in practice (except for very, very small classes) -- you
> need to inspect each function of the class and all their return statements
> and manually add assertions for each invariant. Removing or changing
> invariants manually is totally impractical in my view.
> *Efficiency and Evidency. *David wrote:
>> The API of the library is a bit noisy, but I think the obstacle it's more
>> in the higher level design for me. Adding many layers of expensive runtime
>> checks and many lines of code in order to assure simple predicates that a
>> glance at the code or unit tests would do better seems wasteful.
> I'm not very sure what you mean by expensive runtime checks -- every
> single contract can be disabled at any point. Once a contract is disabled,
> there is literally no runtime computational cost incurred. The complexity
> of a contract during testing is also exactly the same as if you wrote it in
> the unit test. There is a constant overhead due to the extra function call
> to check the condition, but there's no more time complexity to it. The
> overhead of an additional function call is negligible in most practical
> test cases.
> When you say "a glance at the code", this implies to me that you referring
> to your own code and not to legacy code. In my experience, even simple
> predicates are often not obvious to see in other people's code as one might
> think (*e.g. *I had to struggle with even most simple ones like whether
> the result ends in a newline or not -- often having to actually run the
> code to check experimentally what happens with different inputs).
> Postconditions prove very useful in such situations: they let us know that
> whenever a function returns, the result must satisfy its postconditions.
> They are formal and obvious to read in the function signature, and hence
> spare us the need to parse the function's implementation or run it.
> Contracts in the unit tests.
>> The API of the library is a bit noisy, but I think the obstacle it's more
>> in the higher level design for me. Adding many layers of expensive runtime
>> checks and many lines of code in order to assure simple predicates that a
>> glance at the code or *unit tests would do better* seems wasteful.
> (emphasis mine)
> Defining contracts in a unit test is, as I already mentioned in my
> previous message, problematic due to two reasons. First, the contract
> resides in a place far away from the function definition which might make
> it hard to find and maintain. Second, defining the contract in the unit
> test makes it impossible to put the contract in the production or test it
> in a call from a different function. In contrast, introducing the contract
> as a decorator works perfectly fine in all the three above-mentioned cases
> (smoke unit test, production, deeper testing).
> *Library. *Michael wrote:
>> I just want to point out that you don't need permission from anybody to
>> start a library. I think developing and popularizing a contracts library is
>> a reasonable goal -- but that's something you can start doing at any time
>> without waiting for consensus.
> As a matter of fact, I already implemented the library which covers most
> of the design-by-contract including the inheritance of the contracts. (The
> only missing parts are retrieval of "old" values in postconditions and loop
> invariants.) It's published on pypi as "icontract" package (the website is
> https://github.com/Parquery/icontract/). I'd like to gauge the interest
> before I/we even try to make a proposal to make it into the standard
> library.
> The discussions in this thread are an immense help for me to crystallize
> the points that would need to be addressed explicitly in such a proposal.
> If the proposal never comes about, it would at least flow into the
> documentation of the library and help me identify and explain better the
> important points.
> *Observation of contracts. *Michael wrote:
>> Your contracts are only checked when the function is evaluated, so you'd
>> still need to write that unit test that confirms the function actually
>> observes the contract. I don't think you necessarily get to reduce the
>> number of tests you'd need to write.
> Assuming that a contracts library is working correctly, there is no need
> to test whether a contract is observed or not -- you assume it is. The same
> applies to any testing library -- otherwise, you would have to test the
> tester, and so on *ad infinitum.*
> You still need to evaluate the function during testing, of course. But you
> don't need to document the contracts in your tests nor check that the
> postconditions are enforced -- you assume that they hold. For example, if
> you introduce a postcondition that the result of a function ends in a
> newline, there is no point of making a unit test, passing it some value and
> then checking that the result value ends in a newline in the test.
> Normally, it is sufficient to smoke-test the function. For example, you
> write a smoke unit test that gives a range of inputs to the function by
> using hypothesis library and let the postconditions be automatically
> checked. You can view each postcondition as an additional test case in this
> scenario -- but one that is also embedded in the function signature and
> also applicable in production.
> Not all tests can be written like this, of course. Dealing with a complex
> function involves writing testing logic which is too complex to fit in
> postconditions. Contracts are not a panacea, but they absolute us from
> implementing trivial testing logic while keeping the important bits of the
> documentation close to the function and allowing for deeper tests.
> *Accurate contracts. *Michael wrote:
>> There's also no guarantee that your contracts will necessarily be
>> *accurate*. It's entirely possible that your preconditions/postconditions
>> might hold for every test case you can think of, but end up failing when
>> running in production due to some edge case that you missed.
> Unfortunately, there is no practical exit from this dilemma -- and it
> applies all the same for the tests. Who guarantees that the testing logic
> of the unit tests are correct? Unless you can formally prove that the code
> does what it should, there is no way around it. Whether you write contracts
> in the tests or in the decorators, it makes no difference to accuracy.
> If you missed to test an edge case, well, you missed it :). The
> design-by-contract does not make the code bug-free, but makes the bugs *much
> less likely* and *easier *to detect *early*. In practice, if there is a
> complex contract, I encapsulate its complex parts in separate functions
> (often with their own contracts), test these functions in separation and
> then, once the tests pass and I'm confident about their correctness, put
> them into contracts.
> (And if you decide to disable those pre/post conditions to avoid the
>> efficiency hit, you're back to square zero.)
> In practice, we at Parquery AG let the critical contracts to run in
> production to ensure that the program blows up before it exercises
> undefined behavior in a critical situation. The informative violation
> errors of the icontract library help us to trace the bugs more easily since
> the relevant values are part of the error log.
> However, if some of the contracts are too inefficient to check in
> production, alas you have to turn them off and they can't be checked since
> they are inefficient. This seems like a tautology to me -- could you please
> clarify a bit what you meant? If a check is critical and inefficient at the
> same time then your problem is unsolvable (or at least ill-defined);
> contracts as well as any other approach can not solve it.
> *Ergonimical assertions. *Michael wrote:
>> Or I guess to put it another way -- it seems what all of these contract
>> libraries are doing is basically adding syntax to try and make adding
>> asserts in various places more ergonomic, and not much else. I agree those
>> kinds of libraries can be useful, but I don't think they're necessarily
>> useful enough to be part of the standard library or to be a technique
>> Python programmers should automatically use by default.
> From the point of view of the *behavior, *that is exactly the case. The
> contracts (*e.g. *as function decorators) make postconditions and
> invariants possible in practice. As I already noted above, postconditions
> are very hard and invariants almost impossible to maintain manually without
> the contracts. This is even more so when contracts are inherited in a class
> hierarchy.
> Please do not underestimate another aspect of the contracts, namely the
> value of contracts as verifiable documentation. Please note that the only
> alternative that I observe in practice without design-by-contract is to
> write contracts in docstrings in *natural language*. Most often, they are
> just assumed, so the next programmer burns her fingers expecting the
> contracts to hold when they actually differ from the class or function
> description, but nobody bothered to update the docstrings (which is a
> common pitfall in any code base over a longer period of time).
> *Automatic generation of tests.* Michael wrote:
>> What might be interesting is somebody wrote a library that does something
>> more then just adding asserts. For example, one idea might be to try
>> hooking up a contracts library to hypothesis (or any other library that
>> does quickcheck-style testing). That might be a good way of partially
>> addressing the problems up above -- you write out your invariants, and a
>> testing library extracts that information and uses it to automatically
>> synthesize interesting test cases.
> This is the final goal and my main motivation to push for
> design-by-contract in Python :). There is a whole research community that
> tries to come up with automatic test generations, and contracts are of
> great utility there. Mind that generating the tests based on contracts is
> not trivial: hypothesis just picks elements for each input independently
> which is a much easier problem. However, preconditions can define how the
> arguments are *related*. Assume a function takes two numbers as
> arguments, x and y. If the precondition is y < x < (y + x)  * 10, it is not
> trivial even for this simple example to come up with concrete samples of x
> and y unless you simply brute-force the problem by densely sampling all the
> numbers and checking the precondition.
> I see a chicken-and-egg problem here. If design-by-contract is not widely
> adopted, there will also be fewer or no libraries for automatic test
> generation. Honestly, I have absolutely no idea how you could approach
> automatic generation of test cases without contracts (in one form or the
> other). For example, how could you automatically mock a class without
> knowing its invariants?
> Since generating test cases for functions with non-trivial contracts is
> hard (and involves collaboration of many people), I don't expect anybody to
> start even thinking about it if the tool can only be applied to almost
> anywhere due to lack of contracts. Formal proofs and static analysis are
> even harder beasts to tame -- and I'd say the argument holds true for them
> even more.
> David and Michael, thank you again for your comments! I welcome very much
> your opinion and any follow-ups as well as from other participants on this
> mail list.
> Cheers,
> Marko
> On Sat, 15 Sep 2018 at 10:42, Michael Lee <michael.lee.0x2a at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I just want to point out that you don't need permission from anybody to
>> start a library. I think developing and popularizing a contracts library is
>> a reasonable goal -- but that's something you can start doing at any time
>> without waiting for consensus.
>> And if it gets popular enough, maybe it'll be added to the standard
>> library in some form. That's what happened with attrs, iirc -- it got
>> fairly popular and demonstrated there was an unfilled niche, and so Python
>> acquired dataclasses..
>> The contracts make merely tests obsolete that test that the function or
>>> class actually observes the contracts.
>> Is this actually the case? Your contracts are only checked when the
>> function is evaluated, so you'd still need to write that unit test that
>> confirms the function actually observes the contract. I don't think you
>> necessarily get to reduce the number of tests you'd need to write.
>> Please let me know what points *do not *convince you that Python needs
>>> contracts
>> While I agree that contracts are a useful tool, I don't think they're
>> going to be necessarily useful for *all* Python programmers. For example,
>> contracts aren't particularly useful if you're writing fairly
>> straightforward code with relatively simple invariants.
>> I'm also not convinced that libraries where contracts are checked
>> specifically *at runtime* actually give you that much added power and
>> impact. For example, you still need to write a decent number of unit tests
>> to make sure your contracts are being upheld (unless you plan on checking
>> this by just deploying your code and letting it run, which seems
>> suboptimal). There's also no guarantee that your contracts will necessarily
>> be *accurate*. It's entirely possible that your
>> preconditions/postconditions might hold for every test case you can think
>> of, but end up failing when running in production due to some edge case
>> that you missed. (And if you decide to disable those pre/post conditions to
>> avoid the efficiency hit, you're back to square zero.)
>> Or I guess to put it another way -- it seems what all of these contract
>> libraries are doing is basically adding syntax to try and make adding
>> asserts in various places more ergonomic, and not much else. I agree those
>> kinds of libraries can be useful, but I don't think they're necessarily
>> useful enough to be part of the standard library or to be a technique
>> Python programmers should automatically use by default.
>> What might be interesting is somebody wrote a library that does something
>> more then just adding asserts. For example, one idea might be to try
>> hooking up a contracts library to hypothesis (or any other library that
>> does quickcheck-style testing). That might be a good way of partially
>> addressing the problems up above -- you write out your invariants, and a
>> testing library extracts that information and uses it to automatically
>> synthesize interesting test cases.
>> (And of course, what would be very cool is if the contracts could be
>> verified statically like you can do in languages like dafny -- that way,
>> you genuinely would be able to avoid writing many kinds of tests and could
>> have confidence your contracts are upheld. But I understanding implementing
>> such verifiers are extremely challenging and would probably have too-steep
>> of a learning curve to be usable by most people anyways.)
>> -- Michael
>> On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 11:51 PM, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <
>> marko.ristin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Let me make a couple of practical examples from the work-in-progress (
>>> https://github.com/Parquery/pypackagery, branch
>>> mristin/initial-version) to illustrate again the usefulness of the
>>> contracts and why they are, in my opinion, superior to assertions and unit
>>> tests.
>>> What follows is a list of function signatures decorated with contracts
>>> from pypackagery library preceded by a human-readable description of the
>>> contracts.
>>> The invariants tell us what format to expect from the related string
>>> properties.
>>> @icontract.inv(lambda self: self.name.strip() == self.name)
>>> @icontract.inv(lambda self: self.line.endswith("\n"))
>>> class Requirement:
>>>     """Represent a requirement in requirements.txt."""
>>>     def __init__(self, name: str, line: str) -> None:
>>>         """
>>>         Initialize.
>>>         :param name: package name
>>>         :param line: line in the requirements.txt file
>>>         """
>>>         ...
>>> The postcondition tells us that the resulting map keys the values on
>>> their name property.
>>> @icontract.post(lambda result: all(val.name == key for key, val in result.items()))
>>> def parse_requirements(text: str, filename: str = '<unknown>') -> Mapping[str, Requirement]:
>>>     """
>>>     Parse requirements file and return package name -> package requirement as in requirements.txt
>>>     :param text: content of the ``requirements.txt``
>>>     :param filename: where we got the ``requirements.txt`` from (URL or path)
>>>     :return: name of the requirement (*i.e.* pip package) -> parsed requirement
>>>     """
>>>     ...
>>> The postcondition ensures that the resulting list contains only unique
>>> elements. Mind that if you returned a set, the order would have been lost.
>>> @icontract.post(lambda result: len(result) == len(set(result)), enabled=icontract.SLOW)
>>> def missing_requirements(module_to_requirement: Mapping[str, str],
>>>                          requirements: Mapping[str, Requirement]) -> List[str]:
>>>     """
>>>     List requirements from module_to_requirement missing in the ``requirements``.
>>>     :param module_to_requirement: parsed ``module_to_requiremnt.tsv``
>>>     :param requirements: parsed ``requirements.txt``
>>>     :return: list of requirement names
>>>     """
>>>     ...
>>> Here is a bit more complex example.
>>> - The precondition A requires that all the supplied relative paths
>>> (rel_paths) are indeed relative (as opposed to absolute).
>>> - The postcondition B ensures that the initial set of paths (given in
>>> rel_paths) is included in the results.
>>> - The postcondition C ensures that the requirements in the results are
>>> the subset of the given requirements.
>>> - The precondition D requires that there are no missing requirements (*i.e.
>>> *that each requirement in the given module_to_requirement is also
>>> defined in the given requirements).
>>> @icontract.pre(lambda rel_paths: all(rel_pth.root == "" for rel_pth in rel_paths))  # A
>>> @icontract.post(
>>>     lambda rel_paths, result: all(pth in result.rel_paths for pth in rel_paths),
>>>     enabled=icontract.SLOW,
>>>     description="Initial relative paths included")  # B
>>> @icontract.post(
>>>     lambda requirements, result: all(req.name in requirements for req in result.requirements),
>>>     enabled=icontract.SLOW)  # C
>>> @icontract.pre(
>>>     lambda requirements, module_to_requirement: missing_requirements(module_to_requirement, requirements) == [],
>>>     enabled=icontract.SLOW)  # D
>>> def collect_dependency_graph(root_dir: pathlib.Path, rel_paths: List[pathlib.Path],
>>>                              requirements: Mapping[str, Requirement],
>>>                              module_to_requirement: Mapping[str, str]) -> Package:
>>>     """
>>>     Collect the dependency graph of the initial set of python files from the code base.
>>>     :param root_dir: root directory of the codebase such as "/home/marko/workspace/pqry/production/src/py"
>>>     :param rel_paths: initial set of python files that we want to package. These paths are relative to root_dir.
>>>     :param requirements: requirements of the whole code base, mapped by package name
>>>     :param module_to_requirement: module to requirement correspondence of the whole code base
>>>     :return: resolved depedendency graph including the given initial relative paths,
>>>     """
>>> I hope these examples convince you (at least a little bit :-)) that
>>> contracts are easier and clearer to write than asserts. As noted before in
>>> this thread, you can have the same *behavior* with asserts as long as
>>> you don't need to inherit the contracts. But the contract decorators make
>>> it very explicit what conditions should hold *without* having to look
>>> into the implementation. Moreover, it is very hard to ensure the
>>> postconditions with asserts as soon as you have a complex control flow since
>>> you would need to duplicate the assert at every return statement. (You
>>> could implement a context manager that ensures the postconditions, but a
>>> context manager is not more readable than decorators and you have to
>>> duplicate them as documentation in the docstring).
>>> In my view, contracts are also superior to many kinds of tests. As the
>>> contracts are *always* enforced, they also enforce the correctness
>>> throughout the program execution whereas the unit tests and doctests only
>>> cover a list of selected cases. Furthermore, writing the contracts in these
>>> examples as doctests or unit tests would escape the attention of most less
>>> experienced programmers which are not  used to read unit tests as
>>> documentation. Finally, these unit tests would be much harder to read than
>>> the decorators (*e.g.*, the unit test would supply invalid arguments
>>> and then check for ValueError which is already a much more convoluted piece
>>> of code than the preconditions and postconditions as decorators. Such
>>> testing code also lives in a file separate from the original implementation
>>> making it much harder to locate and maintain).
>>> Mind that the contracts *do not* *replace* the unit tests or the
>>> doctests. The contracts make merely tests obsolete that test that the
>>> function or class actually observes the contracts. Design-by-contract helps
>>> you skip those tests and focus on the more complex ones that test the
>>> behavior. Another positive effect of the contracts is that they make your
>>> tests deeper: if you specified the contracts throughout the code base, a
>>> test of a function that calls other functions in its implementation will
>>> also make sure that all the contracts of that other functions hold. This
>>> can be difficult to implement  with standard unit test frameworks.
>>> Another aspect of the design-by-contract, which is IMO ignored quite
>>> often, is the educational one. Contracts force the programmer to actually
>>> sit down and think *formally* about the inputs and the outputs
>>> (hopefully?) *before* she starts to implement a function. Since many
>>> schools use Python to teach programming (especially at high school level),
>>> I imagine writing contracts of a function to be a very good exercise in
>>> formal thinking for the students.
>>> Please let me know what points *do not *convince you that Python needs
>>> contracts (in whatever form -- be it as a standard library, be it as a
>>> language construct, be it as a widely adopted and collectively maintained
>>> third-party library). I would be very glad to address these points in my
>>> next message(s).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Marko
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