[Python-ideas] JS’ governance model is worth inspecting

Wes Turner wes.turner at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 10:34:03 EDT 2018

On Thursday, September 20, 2018, James Lu <jamtlu at gmail.com> wrote:

> JS’ decisions are made by a body known as TC39, a fairly/very small group
> of JS implementers.


Python has devs with committer privileges:

There are maintainers for many modules:

> First, JS has an easy and widely supported way to modify the language for
> yourself: Babel. Babel transpires your JS to older JS, which is then run.
> You can publish your language modification on the JS package manager, npm.

Babel plugins are packaged for and installable with npm:

New ES features can run on older JS interpreter features with transpilation
by Babel.

> When a feature is being considered for inclusion in mainline JS, the
> proposal must first gain a champion (represented by 🚀)that is a member of
> TC-39. The guidelines say that the proposal’s features should already have
> found use in the community. Then it moves through three stages, and the
> champion must think the proposal is ready for the next stage before it can
> move on. I’m hazy on what the criterion for each of the three stages is.
> The fourth stage is approved.

Is there a link to a document describing the PEP process (with and without

That would be a helpful link to add to the table here:

e.g. "How to write a PEP" as an ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ might be helpful:

- [ ] Read the meta-PEPs
- [ ] and find the appropriate BDFL-delegate
- [ ] copy the PEP 12 RST template
- [ ] add the headings specified in PEP 1
- [ ] Read PEP 1

"Meta-PEPs (PEPs about PEPs or Processes)"

PEP 12 -- Sample reStructuredText PEP Template

PEP 1 -- PEP Purpose and Guidelines


> I believe the global TC39 committee meets regularly in person, and at
> those meetings, proposals can advance stages- these meetings are frequent
> enough for the process to be fast and slow enough that people can have the
> time to try out a feature before it becomes main line JS. Meeting notes are
> made public.

PEP 1 describes the PEP mailing list and editors.

> The language and its future features are discussed on ESDiscuss.org, which
> is surprisingly filled with quality and respectful discussion, largely from
> experts in the JavaScript language.

python-dev@, python-ideas@,

> I’m fairly hazy on the details, this is just the summary off the top of my
> head.
>> I’m not saying this should be Python’s governance model, just to keep JS’
> in mind.

Which features of the TC39 committee's ECMAscript (ES) language governance
model would be helpful to incorporate into the Python language governance
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