[Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

James Lu jamtlu at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 12:52:11 EDT 2018

Hmm, I was wrong: there is no reliable way to get the code of a lambda function. 

If it was possible to execute all code paths of the function, we could monkey patch the builtins so { } used our own custom set class. 

Alternatively, the decorator could also accept a string.

Or maybe we could send a PEP to add the .func_code attribute to lambdas as well as normal functions.

There’s also a technique online where they find the lambda’s source by locating the file the function was defined in and then removing the irrelevant parts, but that just doesn’t sound practical to me.

There’s also MacroPy.

I think the best solution would be to mock the old object and record the operations done to the object, like the other replier gave a PoC of. Proposed syntax
from icontract import post, old
@post(lambda: ...,

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 25, 2018, at 1:49 AM, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <marko.ristin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi James,
> Thanks for the feedback!
> I also thought about decompiling the condition to find its AST and figure out what old values are needed. However, this is not so easily done at the moment as all the decompilation libraries I looked at (meta, ucompyle6) are simply struggling to keep up with the development of the python bytecode. In other words, the decompiler needs to be updated with every new version of python which is kind of a loosing race (unless the python devs themselves don't provide this functionality which is not the case as far as I know).
> There is macropy (https://github.com/lihaoyi/macropy) which was suggested on the other thread (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/python-ideas/dmXz_7LH4GI) that I'm currently looking at.
> Cheers,
> Marko
>> On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 at 00:35, James Lu <jamtlu at gmail.com> wrote:
>> You could disassemble (import dis) the lambda to biew the names of the lambdas.
>> @before(lambda self, key, _, length, get: self.length(), self.get(key))
>> Perhaps you could disassemble the function code and look at all operations or accesses that are done to “old.” and evaluate those expressions before the function runs. Then you could “replace” the expression.
>> @post(lambda self, key, old: old.get is None and old.length + 1 ==
>> self.length())
>> Either the system would grab old.get and old.length or be greedy and grab old.get is None and old.length + 1. It would then replace the old.get and old.length with injects that only respond to is None and +1.
>> Or, a syntax like this 
>> @post(lambda self, key, old: [old.get(old.key)] is None and [old.self.length() + 1] ==
>> self.length())
>> Where the stuff inside the brackets is evaluated before the decorated function runs. It would be useful for networking functions or functions that do something ephemeral, where data related to the value being accessed needed for the expression no longer exists after the function. 
>> This does conflict with list syntax forever, so maybe either force people to do list((expr,)) or use an alternate syntax like one item set syntax { } or double set syntax {{ }} or double list syntax [[ ]]. Ditto with having to avoid the literals for the normal meaning.
>> You could modify Python to accept any expression for the lambda function and propose that as a PEP. (Right now it’s hardcoded as a dotted name and optionally a single argument list surrounded by parentheses.)
>> I suggest that instead of “@before” it’s “@snapshot” and instead of “old” it’s “snapshot”.
>> Python does have unary plus/minus syntax as well as stream operators (<<, >>) and list slicing syntax and the @ operator and operators & and | if you want to play with syntax. There’s also the line continuation character for crazy lambdas.
>> Personally I prefer
>> @post(lambda self, key, old: {{old.self.get(old.key)}} and {{old.self.length() + 1}} ==
>> self.length())
>> because it’s explicit about what it does (evaluate the expressions within {{ }} before the function runs. I also find it elegant.
>> Alternatively, inside the {{ }} could be a special scope where locals() is all the arguments @pre could’ve received as a dictionary. For either option you can remove the old parameter from the lambda. Example:
>> @post(lambda self, key: {{self.get(key)}} and {{self.length() + 1}} ==
>> self.length())
>> Perhaps the convention should be to write {{ expr }} (with the spaces in between).
>> You’d probably have to use the ast module to inspect it instead of the dis modul. Then find some way to reconstruct the expressions inside the double brackets- perhaps by reconstructing the AST and compiling it to a code object, or perhaps by finding the part of the string the expression is located. dis can give you the code as a string and you can run a carefully crafted regex on it.
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