[Python-ideas] Suggestion: Extend integers to include iNaN

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Sat Sep 29 03:50:24 EDT 2018

29.09.18 10:35, Steve Barnes пише:
> On 29/09/2018 08:24, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
>> 29.09.18 09:31, Steve Barnes пише:
>>> I think that it should be relatively simple to extend the Python integer
>>> class to have a NaN flag, possibly by having a bit length of 0, and have
>>> it follow the same rules for the handling of floating point NaN, i.e.
>>> any mathematical operation on an iNaN returns an iNaN and any comparison
>>> with one returns False.
>> How does it differ from float('nan')?
> It is still an integer and would pass through any processing that
> expected an integer as one, (with a value of iNaN).

Python is dynamically typed language. What is such processing that would 
work with iNaN, but doesn't work with float('nan')?

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