[Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

Marko Ristin-Kaufmann marko.ristin at gmail.com
Sun Sep 30 16:32:23 EDT 2018

Hi James,
(I'm just about to go to sleep, so I'll answer the other messages tomorrow.)

Should we keep some kind of document to keep track of all the different
> proposals? I’m thinking an editable document like HackMD where we can label
> all the different ideas to keep them straight in our head.

I thought github issues would be a suitable place for that:

It reads a bit easier as a discussion rather than a single document -- if
anybody else needs to follow. What do you think?

On Sun, 30 Sep 2018 at 22:07, James Lu <jamtlu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Marko,
> Going back to your proposal on repeating lambda P as a convention.
> I do find
> @snapshot(some_identifier=P -> P.self(P.arg1),
> some_identifier2=P -> P.arg1 + P.arg2)
> acceptable.
> Should we keep some kind of document to keep track of all the different
> proposals? I’m thinking an editable document like HackMD where we can label
> all the different ideas to keep them straight in our head.
> James Lu
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