[Python-ideas] Clearer communication

Abe Dillon abedillon at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 13:35:15 EST 2019

I've pitched this before but gotten little feedback (especially positive
feedback), but I think a Reddit-style forum would be a pretty vast
improvement. We could easily start a python_ideas subreddit to try it out.

I know the google group presents threaded conversations, but I've run into
enough bugs trying to use that platform that I now only interact with
python-ideas via my gmail account, and threads are flattened here. Also, a
Reddit-style forum has voting built in. As a bonus, we can write moderation
bots and present useful info in the side-bar.

If people find Reddit distasteful or otherwise a bad idea, maybe we can
find some forum software that replicates the feature set of Reddit and host
it ourselves?

On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 10:41 AM James Lu <jamtlu at gmail.com> wrote:

> A lot of the traffic on this email list is people saying “I don’t
> understand” or “that’s not what I meant” or trying to re-explain. A lot of
> “-1”s are really “I don’t see the usefulness of this”.
> So I want an open discussion on: How can we communicate clearer?
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