[Python-ideas] Clearer communication

Dan Sommers 2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE at potatochowder.com
Fri Feb 1 16:15:35 EST 2019

On 2/1/19 2:58 PM, Abe Dillon wrote:
> [Dan Sommers]
>> A mailing list is not a feed... Dan, a decades and decades long fan of
>> mailing lists and real email clients.
> I'm only familiar with Gmail which keeps reply chains coherent and moves
> each chain to the top of my "forums" tab based on who responded last.
> I haven't explored the various email clients available, can you suggest one?

I used mutt for a long time, and then claws-mail, and now
thunderbird.  They all met my needs, although I did give
up on claws-mail when I got a hidpi display (claws-mail
based on gtk2, which doesn't grok hidpi displays).

Another point in favor of email clients over web pages is
that there are many of them, and *you* control the display
and other preferences rather than whoever wrote the forum
or owns the server.

> [Dan Sommers]
>> Whoever posted last ends up at the bottom of the thread, so that I can
>> read threads from top to bottom in chronological order.  Getting the
>> last word in shouldn't earn a spot at the top of the list.
> That doesn't like any closer an approximation to a merit-based solution to
> me.
Perhaps not all by itself.  Many/most email clients allow
individual users to "score" emails by various criteria, and
then to display higher scoring messages "above" the others,
or not display certain messages at all.  Personally, I don't
use the automated systems, but they're very comprehensive
(arguably too complicated), and again, *user* adjustable.

In an optimal technical discussion, opinions from users
don't count for anything.  The ideas stand on their own
merits and research and metrics; users only serve to
confirm the methodology.


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