[Python-ideas] Consistency in naming [was Re: ...ALL CAPS] (off-list)

James Lu jamtlu at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 12:34:02 EST 2019

Python’s decline is in not growing. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 3, 2019, at 11:20 AM, Ned Batchelder <ned at nedbatchelder.com> wrote:
> James, you say below, "This kind of readability issue, datetime.now, is an example of what’s contributing to Python’s decline."
> Do you have any evidence of Python's decline?  Lots of metrics (albeit simplistic ones) point to Python growing in popularity:
> https://www.techrepublic.com/article/fastest-growing-programming-language-pythons-popularity-is-still-climbing/
> https://www.netguru.com/blog/why-python-is-growing-so-quickly-future-trends
> https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2018/07/26/python-is-becoming-the-worlds-most-popular-coding-language
> Are there indicators we are missing?
> --Ned.
>> On 2/2/19 11:56 PM, James Lu wrote:
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Feb 2, 2019, at 3:41 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, Feb 02, 2019 at 12:06:47AM +0100, Anders Hovmöller wrote:
>>>>> - the status quo means "no change", so there is no hassle there;
>>>> Not quite true. There is a constant hassle of "do I need to write 
>>>> datetime.datetime.now() or datetime.now()?"
>>> My point was that there is no hassle from *making a change* if you don't 
>>> actually make a change. (There may, or may not, be other, unrelated 
>>> hassles.)
>>> Besides, I'm not seeing that this is any worse than any other import. Do 
>>> I call spam.Eggs.make() or Eggs.make()? If you don't remember what you 
>>> imported, the names don't make much difference.
>>> I accept that datetime.datetime reads a bit funny and is a bit annoying. 
>>> If we had the keys to the time machine and could go back a decade to 
>>> version 3.0, or even further back to 1.5 or whenever the datetime module 
>>> was first created, it would be nice to change it so that the class was 
>>> DateTime. But changing it *now* is not free, it has real, serious costs 
>>> which are probably greater than the benefit gained.
>> Why can’t we put “now” as a property of the module itself, reccomend that, and formally deprecate but never actually remove datetime.datetime.now?
>>>> I solved this at work by changing all imports to follow the "from 
>>>> datetime import datetime" pattern and hard banning the other 
>>>> statically in CI. But before that people suffered for years.
>>> Oh how they must have suffered *wink*
>>> I'm surprised that you don't do this:
>>> from datetime import datetime as DateTime
>>>> I have a colleague who likes to point that the future is longer than 
>>>> the past. It's important to keep that perspective.
>>> Actually, no, on average, the projected lifespan of technologies, 
>>> companies and cultural memes is about the same as their current age. It 
>>> might last less, or it might last more, but the statistical expectation 
>>> is about the same as the current age. So on average, "the future" is 
>>> about the same as "the past".
>>> Python has been around not quite 30 years now, so we can expect that it 
>>> will probably last another 30 years. But chances are not good that it 
>>> will be around in 300 years.
>> A big reason why projects last as long as you say they last is that the maintainers get un-ambitious, they get used to relaxing in the language they know so well, they are no longer keen on change.
>> This kind of readability issue, datetime.now, is an example of what’s contributing to Python’s decline.
>> Bottom line: if someone submits a PR for this, will anyone merge it?
>>> -- 
>>> Steve
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