[Python-ideas] Vectorization [was Re: Add list.join() please]

Marcos Eliziario marcos.eliziario at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 18:40:05 EST 2019

Just a quick idea. Wouldn't an arrow operator -> be less of an eye sore?

Em sex, 8 de fev de 2019 às 18:16, Christopher Barker <pythonchb at gmail.com>

> On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 4:27 PM David Mertz <mertz at gnosis.cx> wrote:
> > Actually, if I wanted an operator, I think that @ is more intuitive than
> extra dots.  Vectorization isn't matrix multiplication, but they are sort
> of in the same ballpark, so the iconography is not ruined.
> well, vectorization is kinda the *opposite* of matrix multiplication --
> matrix multiplication is treating the matrix as a whole, rther than
> applying multiplication to each element. And it is certainly the opposite
> in the numpy case.
> Which gives me an idea -- we could make an object that applied operators
> (and methods??) to each element individually, and use the @ operator when
> you wanted the method to act on the whole object instead.
> Note: I haven't thought about the details at all -- may not be practical
> to use an operator for that.
> >    (Vec(seq) * 2).name.upper()
> > Or:
> >    vec_seq = Vector(seq)
> >    (vec_seq * 2).name.upper()
> >    # ... bunch more stuff
> >    seq = vec_seq.unwrap()
> what type would .unwrap() return?
> One of the strengths of the "operator" approach is that is could apply to
> any (appropriately mutable) sequence and keep that sequence. I"m not sure
> how much that actually matters, as I'm expecting this is a 99% list case
> anyway.
> and why would .unwrap() be required at all -- as opposed to say:
> seq = list(vec_seq)
> > I'm not saying the double dots are terrible, but they don't read
> *better* than wrapping (and optionally unwrapping) to me.
> nor to me.
> > Well... your maps are kinda deliberately ugly.
> That's actually pretty key -- in fact, if you wanted to apply a handful of
> operations to each item in a sequence, you would probably use a single
> expression (If possible) in a lambda in a map, or in a comprehension,
> rather than chaining the map.
> Even if it was more complex, you could write a function, and then apply
> that with a map or comprehension.
> In the numpy case, compare:
> c = sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
> to
> c = [sqrt(a**2 + b**2) for a,b in zip(a,b)]
> so still a single comprehension. But:
> 1) given the familiariy of math expressions -- the first really does read
> a LOT better
> 2) the first version can be better optimized (by numpy)
> So the questions becomes:
> * For other than math with numbers (which we have numpy for), are there
> use cases where we'd really get that much extra clarity?
> * Could we better optimize, say, a sequence of strings enough to make it
> all worth it?
> -CHB
> --
> Christopher Barker, PhD
> Python Language Consulting
>   - Teaching
>   - Scientific Software Development
>   - Desktop GUI and Web Development
>   - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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Marcos Eliziário Santos
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