[Python-ideas] add fluent operator to everything

Jimmy Girardet ijkl at netc.fr
Wed Feb 20 02:58:43 EST 2019


thank for the replies.

I searched on python-idea as Chris proposed me with "chain" and I've
found 2 relevant discussions :

* A  proposal from Cris Angelico ;-)

"""Right. That's the main point behind this: it gives the *caller* the
choice of whether to chain or not. That's really the whole benefit,
right there.""" ChrisA

the killer  answer of Nick Coghlan
explaining that the main point is about mutating and transforming : this
is a part of Nick's answer :

> start piece of answer Compare:

    seq = get_data()

    seq = sorted(get_data())

Now, compare that with the proposed syntax as applied to the first

    seq = []->extend(get_data())->sort()

That *looks* like it should be a data transformation pipeline, but
it's not - each step in the chain is mutating the original object,
rather than creating a new one. That's a critical *problem* with the
idea, not a desirable feature.
> end of answer

It seems that in 2014 Guido was against chaining method.

* Then in 2017 :

quite the same thing with a "rcompose" idea.

So i understand that in this and previous discussions,  the main
argument against it  was that mutation should looks like mutation  and
not transformation (which returns value).

This seems like a strong thing in core-dev mind since it's about design
of the language.

I totally agree with this idea of "mutating does not "return  value" but
as a "user" of the language I easily can deal with the 2 ideas of
"mutating does not return value" and "lets chain those things". I think
you can do the last without breaking the first.

"Although practicality beats purity"

a : object::mutable1()::mutable2()::mutable3()::mutable4()

b : multligne sequence





Pros for a:

    - stands in one line without loosing clarity.

    - user are now used to play with "fluent" syntax in many libs or

Cons for a:

    - b was here before :-) and fits the idioms of the language.

    - a may look like you're using some `return Value` on mutating
operation. I read somewhere that we are adult enough to be careful of
what we are doing so, this cons is not obvious to me.

At the very beginning of my thoughts I (maybe naively) thought that "a"
could easily be converted to "b" at compile time but I'm not aware of
those internal things.

Le 20/02/2019 à 04:10, Stephen J. Turnbull a écrit :
> In most cases, where one doesn't care about performance, one can rewrite
> as
>     max(a := sorted([1, 2, 3] + [4])) + 1
Indeed, but at first glance, it's not obvious where  it starts and where
it stops.

[1,2,3].append(4)::List.sort()::max() +1  

gives you a sequential way of reading things like you talk or speak in
every day life.

> I think given the current design with its long history, it would be
> more useful to identify pain points where functions like sorted()
> don't exist.
You're right on it. The str class is a  straightforward swiss army knife
with methods you can chain. list or dict do not fit this idea.


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