[Python-ideas] PEP 8 update on line length

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 20:30:32 EST 2019

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 12:26 PM Abe Dillon <abedillon at gmail.com> wrote:
> You don't need to know EVERYTHING about how block_fork works to debug that failure. You
> probably don't need to know EVERYTHING about how random.choice works either. You don't
> need to know about how most of the functions in the code work. The code is not blocking an
> opponent's win. The fault must be in "win" or "opposite".

Not about HOW it works. That's irrelevant. You DO need to know about
what it does, which is what I said. In the case of random.choice,
that's very clearly defined by its documentation: it chooses a random
element from the thing you give it. If you don't know that, you have
to look it up to determine whether that's the problem.


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