[Python-ideas] PEP 8 update on line length
Chris Barker
chris.barker at noaa.gov
Thu Feb 21 20:06:51 EST 2019
On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 12:01 PM Raymond Hettinger <
raymond.hettinger at gmail.com> wrote:
> I concur. We now put expressions in f-strings and have assignment
> expressions that easily spill over 80 characters if one uses all but the
> most compact variable names. Comprehensions tend to make expressions
> longer. Queries and filters in Pandas also easily spill over. The 80
> character limit pre-dates these evolutions of the language.
> In particular, the case where I most want to let people run with long
> lines is in forming messages to be displayed to a user.
I agree here -- and if it's messages (also comments - a twenty char comment
after a 70 char line should be fine!) then it's not part of the logic of
the code -- so not as bd if there is some spill off the screen for those
folks that do code on tablets ;-) Actually for me, the issue s comes up
when I'm showing code on a projector -- I use a huge font so folks in the
back can see)
> class Frabawidget:
> ...
> @wozzle.setter
> def (self, woozle):
> if not (self.min_woozle < woozle < self.max_woozle):
> raise ValueError(f"Expected woozle to be between
> {self.min_woozle} and {self.max_woozle}")
> self._wozzle = normalize(woozle)
That's 103 chars long -- and very readable. But, is this that much worse?
class Frabawidget:
def (self, woozle):
if not (self.min_woozle < woozle < self.max_woozle):
raise ValueError(f"Expected woozle to be between"
"{self.min_woozle} and {self.max_woozle}")
self._wozzle = normalize(woozle)
(it IS harder to write, that's for sure)
In doing code reviews, I see many fewer atrocities from long lines than I
> do from weird line-wraps and from variable names that have been
> over-shortened to make the line fit in 80 characters. To avoid these
> issues, my clients typically set their line limits at 90 or 100
and yet the above example was 103 ... you do need a limit somewhere.
I actually would really like the "limit" to depend on what the line is --
that is, it's OK to go longer if it's essentially text -- message to the
user, comment, etc., rather than part of the code logic.
In fact, now that I write that, I think I actually DO do that -- and even
add a # noqa sometimes so my linter will stop bugging me. A smart linter
would be nice here.
PEP 8 is mostly about readability. However, the line length limit often
> seems to cause less readable code.
So what do you suggest? simply increase the recommended line length? Or
would softening the language about extending it be enough?
Maybe something along the lines of:
A line length limit should be well defined for each project / organization
-- 80 char per line is safest for all users, but anything up to 100 is
appropriate if the team maintaining the code agrees.
Raymond: As a core dev -- are suggesting extending the line limit for the
standard library?
To all the folks quoting theory: let's be honest. Yes, really long lines
are harder to read, but the 80 char limit comes from old terminals, NOT any
analysis that somehow that is optimum for readability.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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