[Python-ideas] Assign-in-place operator

Jeroen Demeyer J.Demeyer at UGent.be
Tue Jun 4 06:47:30 EDT 2019

I'd like to get rid of all the signal and HDL stuff (whatever that 
means) in this thread, so I think what the original poster really wants 
is an "assign in place" operator. Basically, something like += or *= but 
without the arithmetic.

When you think of it this way, it's not an unreasonable request. There 
would be at least one major use of this operator within CPython, for 
lists. With this proposal, the awkward syntax (there are 219 instances 
of this in the CPython sources)

   L[:] = new_list

would become

   L <== new_list

The implementation would be completely analogous to the existing 
in-place arithmetic operators. For example A <== B would become 
equivalent to A = type(A).__iassign__(A, B).

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