[Python-ideas] Code version evolver

Rémi Lapeyre remi.lapeyre at henki.fr
Fri Mar 15 14:57:38 EDT 2019

Le 15 mars 2019 à 19:44:15, francismb
(francismb at email.de(mailto:francismb at email.de)) a écrit:

> On 3/14/19 9:47 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > What happens when someone wants to support multiple Python versions?
> > "Requires Python 3.5 or newer" is easy. Forcing people to install the
> > correct one for each version isn't.
> What are the reasons why people want to support multiple Python
> versions, on the 3 series? do they really want? or they need to (may
> be)? and for how many versions, "from 3.5 or newer" ... forever? will be
> reasonable possible? IMHO more versions to support, the harder to support.

I think it’s pretty much a requirement for any respectable library,
when a library
drop support for a Python version, its usefulness drop significantly.

> Regards,
> --francis
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