[Python-ideas] META: Is a PEP a good place to record Python's core design decisions and coding principles?

Jeff Allen ja.py at farowl.co.uk
Sun Mar 24 18:28:16 EDT 2019

On 24/03/2019 17:44, Christopher Barker wrote:
> Jonathan,
> This is the glory of open source projects -- if you have a great idea, 
> you can simply do it:
> - Start a document that describes Python's Core design principles
> - Put it up somewhere (gitHub would be good) where others can 
> contribute to it
> - If it becomes a wonderful thing, then propose that it be published 
> somewhere "official" -- as a meta-PEP or whatever.
And of course people have.I'd like to thank Victor Stinner and Eli 
Bendersky for their articles about aspects of Python and its 
implementation. I've found both useful to go back to. Others may like to 
bookmark these:



I looked briefly for an article on .join(), but amusingly all I found 
was further evidence that the question that started this thread is a 
recurring one (https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2008/06/06/python-impressions).

Jeff Allen

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