[Python-ideas] New Project to Capture summaries from this

David Mertz mertz at gnosis.cx
Thu Mar 28 20:54:53 EDT 2019

Dropping the mailing list is another topic that often comes up, and is
always a terrible idea. Every suggester had a different platform in mind,
only consistent in all being vastly worse than email for this purpose

That said, if someone writes a FAQ about this mailing list, the first
answer can be "We are not moving discussion to GitHub / Slack / Discuss /
Reddit / StackOverflow / MediaWiki / graffiti on popular buildings / etc"

On Thu, Mar 28, 2019, 11:29 AM Richard Whitehead <richard.whitehead at ieee.org>

> Chris,
> As a new member to this list, I can tell you that searching for relevant
> old
> content was effectively impossible, so I'm all for some way of doing that.
> Please can I make a more radical suggestion, though: Drop the mailing list.
> How about a GitHub repo - a specific one (with no code), specifically for
> early ideas? Then, if an idea was accepted and turned into an issue to be
> implemented, it could link back to that original discussion. GitHub is
> easily searchable. It can email you if someone comments on an issue you
> have
> raised, etc.
> An alternative might be a StackOverflow section, but that wouldn't provide
> such tight integration in the case of an issue being raised.
> The new work you're doing would be a good way to populate the repo with its
> initial content.
> Richard
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