(no subject)

Gene Yu gene at signalcore.com
Mon May 22 21:16:00 CEST 2000

I'm new to the list but I have some thoughts to add to the discussion in
the archives from February.  I'm using the LDAP module to build Web
interfaces for directories that are very large and efficient pagination is
a serious concern.

Thanks to Michael Stroeder for pointing out that I can to use asynchronous
searching to pull one record at a time, canceling the search when I reach
the last record on the page.  I've used a similar method with relational
databases in Perl.  But I don't like pulling so much data that I'm just
going to throw away.  Also, without some way of pulling the records in
sorted order, I need the whole set anyway if I want to present them in a
logical way.

The Netscape SDK has a Server-Side Sorting control and a Virtual List View
control that I'd love to be able to use in python.  They published a
couple of Internet Drafts:


Another related topic I discussed with Michael is callbacks.  I think I
see now how I can get some of the effects of callbacks using asynchronous
calls, but it would be a useful feature in the API as well.  HTML
formatting of results, for instance, can sometimes be much simplified.

Thanks also to everyone who contributed to the LDAP module.  It's a
crucial protocol for any language to support.


Gene Yu <gene at signalcore.com>

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