start tls

Michael Ströder michael at
Sat Oct 20 18:38:10 CEST 2001

Michael Ströder wrote:
> Steffen Ries wrote:
> >
> > attached is a small (experimental) patch, which enables
> > 'start_tls_s()' in python-ldap. The patch requires OpenLDAP 2.0.x (I
> > tested it only against 2.0.11 on Redhat 6.2).
> Also doing a
> >>> del l
> crashs the interpreter no matter if unbind_s() was called before or
> not.

Steffen, I wonder which Python version you're using. It seems to run
stable under Python 2.0 but crashes under Python 2.1.x very often.
Most times in the case when the LDAP connection object is
deleted/cleaned up. Maybe there were significant changes in
reference counting, garbage collection etc. introduced in Python

Steffen, Konstantin, would you mind glancing over ?

Ciao, Michael.

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