TODO list python-ldap

Michael Ströder michael at
Sun Nov 11 15:07:34 CET 2001


Please have a look at the current TODO file of python-ldap:
------------------- snip -------------------
- Define common license for all modules

- Completion of start_tls_s() with SSL context
- Support for LDAP over SSL
- Look into OpenLDAP 2's lib ldap_r to make python-ldap re-entrant
- Support for SASL bind
- Support for VLV control
- Support for server-side sorting control
- Wrap ldap_explode_rdn
- Support for binding with in DSA control mode

- Remove obsolete/unsupported modules
- LDAPv3 schema support (BNF parser needed)
- Add ldapurl module from web2ldap
- LDIF parser for replication logs
- DSML support

------------------- snip -------------------

If you have some spare cycles and want to contribute please jump on

I'm also planning to contribute some of my modules implemented for
web2ldap (see pylib/ldaputil/ of recent web2ldap snapshot) to
python-ldap with a more liberal license. Please check these modules
and comment.

We should agree on a commonly used license. At the moment the
license is undefined and some modules have different license. I
relaxed the license of my ldif module which was strict GPL.

Ciao, Michael.

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