why didn't it work?

Jens Vagelpohl jens at zope.com
Tue Jan 29 14:19:12 CET 2002

well, i did see all those messages on the list but none of them say 
anything about "import _ldap" being deprecated, and there was no mentioning 
of "there's new code examples, make sure your code follows them. or no one 
ever said "don't use the exisiting docs, they are wrong".

basically, there was a lot of talk about changes but none about the 
implications for people who use the python-ldap module.

i suppose i could have pored over all the attached code and looked for it.
.. (my attempt at irony)

don't get me wrong, i appreciate all the work that you're putting into it.
  i only got peeved because people started bitching at me about my products 
no longer working because i had no warning :P  the first thing out of my 
mouth was something like "wow, your python-ldap module must be really f*d 


On Tuesday, January 29, 2002, at 03:21 , Michael Ströder wrote:

> Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
>> actually it does not work well in the latest python-ldap. importing _ldap
>> will not raise an ImportError. but _ldap is crippled and will blow up the
>> first time you try to call something with it.
>> everywhere i go on the python-ldap.sourceforge.net site the docs talk of
>> the "_ldap" module and code examples use "import _ldap".
> The former code examples were obviously wrong. The code examples
> I've checked during the last months definitely did not import _ldap.
>> that's probably
>> why i assumed that that's the canonical way of doing things.
>> i'm just wondering why in the world that's deprecated now and importing
>> ldap is the only way it works.
> Now I'm wondering why you folks on this list didn't respond to my
> messages weeks ago. The changes were announced and I asked for
> feedback. Check the archives.
> http://www.geocrawler.com/mail/msg.php3?msg_id=7383302&list=1568
> http://www.geocrawler.com/mail/thread.php3?subject=Stripped+LDAPObject.c&
> list=1568
> Note that there are significant changes going on. The Win32 binaries
> floating around are python-ldap version 1.x linked against ancient
> Umich libs whereas CVS version is linked against OpenLDAP 2 libs.
> I'm trying to preserve backwards compability but you have to
> definitely fix your code to import ldap not _ldap.
> Ciao, Michael.

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