non-ascii handling
Jens Vagelpohl
jens at
Mon Apr 8 21:44:09 CEST 2002
i have a product that uses python-ldap and i'm trying to make sure
everything works when non-ascii characters are used in a DN. from what i
have been reading about OpenLDAP it either wants pure ASCII passed to it
(for search terms, DNs etc) or UTF-8-encoded unicode strings.
my question is: does python-ldap do any automatic string conversions? i
get search results just fine using a non-ascii search term when i do not
convert the term myself and hand it to ldap.search_s, but i never get
results if i convert the string by myself and then hand it to the search_s
i'm trying to find out whether i am doing the wrong thing converting any
and all non-ascii myself in my product before sending it over the line to
the LDAP server using python-ldap.
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