fetching the structure / obejctClass defs
Igor Stroh
stroh at scan-plus.de
Fri May 17 12:15:37 CEST 2002
On Fre, 2002-05-17 at 11:45, Tjabo Kloppenburg wrote:
> is it possible to fetch a list of all supported objectClasses and their attribs
> from an openLDAP server using python-ldap?
> how?
actually it is, but the representation type of attributeTypes and
objectClasses is 'string', so you get a list of strings that you first
have to parse somehow if you want to utilize it... see [1], it works for
me, but I'm pretty sure I left some schema attributes (like STRUCTURAL
etc.) out, so I might just as well fail to return correct values for
your own objectClass... it parses 'person' pretty neat though...
import ldap
import string
import re
# bind credentials
ADMIN_DN = "<admin dn>"
ADMIN_PW = "<admin bind pw>"
# which objectClass(es) should we look for
O_CLASSES = ['person']
# some global RE objects
search_oid = re.compile("^\\( (?P<oid>\d.*\d) .*")
search_name = re.compile(".* NAME '(?P<name>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)' .*")
search_desc = re.compile(".* DESC '(?P<desc>.*)' .*")
search_must_attr =
search_may_attr =
re.compile(".*\s?MAY\s?\\(\s?(?P<may_attr>[a-zA-Z0-9_$ ]+)\s?\\)\s?.*")
def init_all():
filter = ".*NAME '%s'.*" % O_CLASSES[0]
del O_CLASSES[0]
for cl in O_CLASSES:
filter += "|.*NAME '%s'.*" % O_CLASSES[0]
ls = re.compile(filter, re.I)
con = ldap.open("")
entries = con.search_s("cn=Subschema", ldap.SCOPE_BASE, \
"objectclass=subschema", ['objectclasses'])
ocs = entries[0][1]['objectClasses']
return [oc for oc in ocs if ls.search(oc)]
def parseIt():
ocs = init_all()
ret = {}
for i in ocs:
key = search_name.sub("\g<name>", i)
ret[key] = {}
ret[key]['OID'] = search_oid.sub("\g<oid>", i)
if search_desc.search(i):
ret[key]['DESC'] = search_desc.sub("\g<desc>", i)
ret[key]['DESC'] = ""
if search_must_attr.search(i):
ret[key]['MUST'] = [attr.strip() for attr in \
string.split(search_must_attr.sub("\g<must_attr>", i), "$")]
ret[key]['MUST'] = []
if search_may_attr.search(i):
ret[key]['MAY'] = [attr.strip() for attr in \
string.split(search_may_attr.sub("\g<may_attr>", i), "$")]
ret[key]['MAY'] = []
return ret
def getAllAttributes():
attrs = []
ocs = parseIt()
for key in ocs.keys():
attrs = attrs + ocs[key]['MUST'] + ocs[key]['MAY']
return attrs
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