
Jens Vagelpohl jens at
Tue Jun 25 22:02:04 CEST 2002


i will be darned :)  your little hack does indeed work on my setup, too. a 
test script that took 30 seconds to run now finishes in 2 seconds...


On Tuesday, June 25, 2002, at 03:00 , Leif Hedstrom wrote:

> Well, I don't know if this is the same problem I had with Python LDAP v1.
> x,
> we haven't tested v2.x yet. But, the result() function in Python LDAP can 
> go
> into a very tight poll loop, with extreme effects if the Python process is
> running on the same machines as the LDAP server. Python will almost
> completely starve slapd for any CPU time ...
> Adding a short sleep() in the polling loop of ldapobject.result() helps, a
> lot. Like
>     while all:
>       while ldap_result[0] is None:
>         if (timeout>=0) and (time.time()-start_time>timeout):
>           self._ldap_call(self._l.abandon,msgid)
>           raise _ldap.TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED(
>             "LDAP time limit (%d secs) exceeded." % (timeout)
>           )
>         ldap_result = self._ldap_call(self._l.result,msgid,0,0)
>         if ldap_result[0] is None:
>           time.sleep(.01)
>       if ldap_result[1] is None:
>         break
> (note the time.sleep() call if there was no result). Alternatively, adding
> an (arbitrarily) long timeout in the call to ldap_result() also 
> accomplishes
> the same thing, like:
>      ldap_result = self._ldap_call(self._l.result,msgid,0,15 * 60)
> I haven't dug deep into this problem yet, to figure out if this is an
> OpenLDAP library problem, or a Python LDAP problem. I just know that
> preventing ldapobject.result() from going into the tight polling loop 
> solved
> our problems. :-)
> Cheers,
> -- Leif

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