ldap, ldap_r and thread problem

WENGER G DsigTcs Guillaume.Wenger at socgen.com
Thu Jul 25 09:29:10 CEST 2002


I'm using Zope. my index.html page has 4 frames. Before, my 4 frames
appeared without problem. Then, I've installed LDAPUserFolder which uses
python ldap. And now, I often have one (different each time) of my frames
which causes in Internal Error of Apache (because of no answer from Zope).
I've tried to launch Zope with -M <file.log> and I've seen that there was 4
'Get' but only 3 answers. So, my conclusion it's that Zope catchs the 4
'simultaneous' requests but answers only to 3.
I have a lot of difficulties to find the origin of my problem. I've
python ldap 2.0.0pre05 (compiled with Lib: ldap_r ldap lber resolv) and
OpenLDAP 2.0.25-2. 
Is it the fault of LDAPUserFolder for, perhaps, a thread reason? Or Is it a
problem with python ldap? May you help me? What can I do?

I am using :
Zope 2.5.1
Pyhton 2.1.3
LDAPUserFolder 1.5beta1
Python ldap 2.0.0pre05 (compiled with ldap_r)
OpenLDAP 2.0.25-2


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