port of Net::LDAP::Entry
Robert Sander
ml-it-python-ldap-dev at epigenomics.com
Thu Jul 25 10:31:33 CEST 2002
We have been using the Perl Net::LDAP modules to access our directory
server. Now we want to switch to Python. This is a first port of
class Entry:
import ldap
def __init__(self, dn, values = {}):
self.distname = dn
self.values = values
self.chgtype = "add"
self.changes = []
def __str__(self):
return "%s[%s]: %s" % ( self.distname, self.chgtype, self.values )
def get_value(self, attr):
return self.values[attr]
except KeyError, er:
return None
def changetype(self, typ = None):
if typ:
self.chgtype = typ
self.changes = []
return self.chgtype
def dn(self, dn = None):
if dn:
self.distname = dn
return self.distname
def exists(self, attr):
return self.values.has_key(attr)
def add(self, attrs):
if type(attrs) != type([]):
attrs = [attrs]
for typ, val in attrs:
if type(val) != type([]):
val = [val]
if self.values.has_key(typ):
if self.chgtype == "modify":
self.changes.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, typ, self.values[typ]))
self.values[typ] = val
if self.chgtype == "modify":
self.changes.append((ldap.MOD_ADD, typ, val))
def replace(self, attrs):
if type(attrs) != type([]):
attrs = [attrs]
for typ, val in attrs:
if type(val) != type([]):
val = [val]
self.values[typ] = val
if self.chgtype == "modify":
self.changes.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, typ, val))
def delete(self, attrs = None):
if attrs:
if type(attrs) != type([]):
attrs = [attrs]
for attr in attrs:
if self.values.has_key(attr):
if self.chgtype == "modify":
self.changes.append((ldap.MOD_DELETE, attr, None))
def update(self, l):
if self.chgtype == "add":
import ldap.modlist
return l.add_s(self.distname, ldap.modlist.addModlist(self.values))
elif self.chgtype == "delete":
return l.delete_s(self.distname)
elif self.chgtype == "modify":
return l.modify_s(self.distname, self.changes)
You may find it useful.
We have a directory service set up with OpenLDAP extensively using
referrals. It seems that python-ldap currently is not able to handle
these. Is this correct?
Robert Sander
Information Systems www.epigenomics.com Kastanienallee 24
+493024345330 10435 Berlin
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