python-ldap-2.0.0pre05 and zope

Michael Ströder michael at
Fri Jul 26 20:51:31 CEST 2002

Joe Little wrote:
> OpenLDAP depends on the cyrus-sasl package.. Though you can install 
> OpenLDAP without it,

Yes, ./configure --without-cyrus-sasl is the solution if one does 
not need SASL support.

> the python-ldap API links to that package as well 
> via OpenLDAP libs.

Only if line "libs" in setup.cfg contains "sasl" which is not the 
way it is shipped in the download distribution.

There are other dependencies like StartTLS support which needs 
OpenLDAP libs built with OpenSSL (--with-tls). One can switch that 
off by editing the DEFINEs in

Ciao, Michael.

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