TODO until python-ldap 2.0.0 final release

Michael Ströder michael at
Thu Aug 22 14:27:39 CEST 2002

David Leonard wrote:

 > >No GPL anymore. Please bring your working tree in sync.
 > but fog's stuff in ldaplib/... has "GNU General Public
 > License"(sic) in it.

Ah, did not look at that. Fog's stuff is not part of the source 
distribution package generated with python sdist anyway.

I'd like to also remove it from CVS tree.

 > [just an english note: licence is a noun, and license is a
 > verb...

I found both "LICENSE" and "LICENCE" in the source packages of 
other projects. Maybe there's also a difference whether you speak 
American or British english?

Examples for use of term "license":

Personally I have no preference.

Ciao, Michael.

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