compile python-ldap on macosx

Jens Vagelpohl jens at
Fri Oct 25 17:58:11 CEST 2002

well, something about your setup is strange. just to compare, here is 
the output from my own machine::

gcc -flat_namespace -bundle -undefined suppress 
build/temp.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.1/LDAPObject.o 
build/temp.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.1/common.o 
build/temp.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.1/constants.o 
build/temp.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.1/errors.o 
build/temp.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.1/functions.o 
build/temp.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.1/schema.o 
build/temp.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.1/ldapmodule.o 
build/temp.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.1/linkedlist.o 
build/temp.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.1/message.o 
build/temp.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.1/version.o 
build/temp.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.1/options.o -L/usr/local/lib 
-R/usr/local/lib -lldap_r -llber -lssl -lcrypto -o 
build/lib.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.1/
gcc: unrecognized option `-R/usr/local/lib'
[dhcp192:local/src/python-ldap-HEAD] jens%

as you can see, no "arch" arguments whatsoever. by the way, my python 
is "hand-made" as well. it's a self-compiled python 2.1.3.

i don't know much about compilers, but it seems strange that there are 
more than a single arch argument, anyway. or is it possible to build 
for two completely disparate architectures in one compile run? sounds 
unlikely to me.


On Friday, Oct 25, 2002, at 09:00 US/Eastern, J. Scholtes wrote:

> Am Freitag, 25.10.02, um 14:39 Uhr (Europe/Budapest) schrieb Jens 
> Vagelpohl:
>> now that i am looking at it, why does it say something about building 
>> for the i386 architecture in the build output? something about your 
>> build is horribly wrong.
>> jens
>> On Friday, Oct 25, 2002, at 08:21 US/Eastern, J. Scholtes wrote:
>>> gcc -arch i386 -arch ppc -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress 
>>> build/temp.darwin-6.1-Power Macintosh-2.2/
> mmh.
> but the second switch (-arch ppc) is correct
> Juergen

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