error installing ldapmodule1.8

Ganesan R rganesan at
Tue Dec 17 12:51:16 CET 2002

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Ströder <michael at> writes:

> Ganesan R wrote:
>> 2.0.0pre6. First, the binary rpm depends on python-devel and
>> openldap-devel which are not needed. python-devel and openldap-devel
>> should be in BuildRequires, not in Requires or Prereq lines of the spec
>> file. 

> Note that you have to contact the package maintainer if you think
> something's wrong with dependencies of a particular package.

Noted :-). I assumed that the maintainer will be reading the list. I
remember seeing his mails in the archive.

>> Second, I need SSL support which doesn't seem to be enabled by
>> default. Is it possible to turn on SSL support by default?

> What do you mean with "by default"?

> If you build python-ldap yourself you can tweak setup.cfg to reflect
> your needs and configuration. Note that OpenLDAP also has to be built
> and installed with option --with-tls before. When shipping python-ldap
> one cannot foresee your particular system configuration.

I didn't mean python-ldap distribution to turn on SSL by default. Redhat 7.3
OpenLDAP libraries ship with SSL option compiled in. So it makes sense for
the RPM to be built with the option turned on. Again, this is an issue for
the package maintainer.

Ganesan R

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