Comment on documentation

Ganesan R rganesan at
Tue Dec 17 13:00:56 CET 2002


The documentation for the LDAP add operation reads (See

add(dn, modlist)
add_s(dn, modlist)

This function is similar to modify(), except that the operation integer is
omitted from the tuples in modlist. You might want to like into sub-module
ldap.modlist for generating modlist.  

Apart from the typo there (like into sub-module instead of look into
sub-module), the description seems to imply that add is a short cut for
modify with LDAP_MOD_ADD. I'd change that to

add(dn, modlist)
add_s(dn, modlist)

Performs an LDAP add operation on dn. The dn argument is the distinguished
name (DN) of the entry to add, and addlist is a list of attributes to be
added. The modlist is similar the one passed to modify(), except that the
operation integer is omitted from the tuples in modlist.  You might want to
look into sub-module ldap.modlist for generating the modlist.


Ganesan R

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