python-ldap2.0.0pre11 for Win32 available on

Thieu-Hon Tran Thieu-Hon.Tran at
Thu Jul 31 09:24:53 CEST 2003

[I'm not subscribed this list. Replies should go to my mail-adress,
if you want to reach me.]


I just wanted to tell you about a newer (non-ancient) version of a
binary for python-ldap win32 (pre11). It's available here:

This link should be included in the FAQs, updating the question
regarding a win32-version of python-ldap.

Best regards,
      Thieu-Hon Tran
*    WESTFLEISCH eG * IT Department                                    *
*    Brockhoffstr. 11 * D-48143 Muenster, Germany                      *
*    Phone / Fax: +49 251 493-291 / -311                               *

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