Changing password in Active Directory
Goucher, Adam
adam.goucher at
Tue Jan 13 16:46:17 CET 2004
I gave up for the moment on getting ldaps working on win32 and moved to
solaris with some success. Thought I would share some code for resetting
passwords in Active Directory (which isnt as straight forward as it
seems). I had initially tried to use ldap.modlist to make the modlist,
but it kept trying to do an add, when you need to do a replace in the
case where you bind as administrator (which I am).
# assumptions:
# a) its active directory
# b) you've bound to the ssl port
# c) you've bound as administrator
# d) your connection is called ldap_handle
account_dn = "cn=adam,ou=test,dc=ads"
password = "foo"
password_attr = "unicodePwd"
unicode_step1 = unicode("\"" + password + "\"", "iso-8859-1")
unicode_step2 = unicode_step1.encode("utf-16-le")
password_value = unicode_step2
mods = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, password_attr, [password_value])]
ldap_handle.modify(account_dn, mods)
Thought it might be handy to have this able to be found by the mailing
list search.
Adam Goucher
Testing Group
HP OpenView Select Access
901 King St W.
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 3H5
Phone: +1-416-309-5208
Fax: +1-416-309-4406
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