python-ldap segfault at binding time

Michael Ströder michael at
Thu Feb 12 16:06:29 CET 2004

Hi Jerome,

you can reach the python-ldap developers on the list 
python-ldap-dev at It's worth to subscribe to it. It's 

Jerome Alet wrote:
> I'm the author of a python-written print quota and accounting 
> solution named PyKota, [..]  this software uses python-ldap (of course)
> Two people reported segfaults to me at binding time under 
> RedHat 9 (with Python 2.2)
> The attached program repeatedly crashes with a segfault 
> during the simple_bind_s() call on users' machines

Well, this is most likely caused by outdated versions of OpenSSL, OpenLDAP 
libs, SASL libs or maybe even outdated python-ldap itself or a library mix.

People experiencing seg faults should build/reinstall recent versions of 
their installed software in the following order:
- OpenSSL
- Cyrus-SASL
- OpenLDAP
- Python
- python-ldap

> Unfortunately I don't use RedHat, but Debian instead, and I must
> confess I didn't notice such a problem so far.

RedHat 9 is known to still ship with a very outdated version of OpenLDAP.

Ciao, Michael.

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