Export to LDIF

Wido Depping wido.depping at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 02:15:48 CET 2004

Is it possible that the LDIFWriter class can be extended to return the
LDIF string and don't write it to a file handler? This is useful if
you want to save the content to a resource which is not accessible
with a file handler.
In my case I have created something like 'smart' LDAP objects for
Luma. They are aware of the server schemas and provide functions which
go beyond the data structure provided by python-ldap. One function of
these objects is the ability to export its own data into LDIF format.
An instance has control over all data entries and collects the LDIF
strings to export the data into a file. But in the future other
resource should be implemented, like access to KDE io-slaves.
Somehow I feel uncomfortable doing the LDIF encoding stuff myself and
I thought python-ldap is the ideal place to implement this

Thanks in advance,
Wido Depping
ICQ: 51303067    AIM: wido3379
Jabber: wido at jabber.ccc.de
Blog: http://widoww.blogspot.com

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